
Filters and smart search in tasks

Use filters and the smart search option in tasks to never lose important tasks and easily find them. Filter tasks by roles and statuses, set up your own filters, use the smart search, and easily find your favorite tasks.

You can search through the number of tasks specified in your plan description. Once you hit the limit, you won't be able to search through tasks by keywords. However, you can still use the default and previously saved filters.

Filters in tasks

Web version
Mobile app

Go to the Tasks and Projects section and open Tasks. At the top, you'll find tabs to filter tasks by roles:

  • Ongoing
  • Assisting
  • Set by me
  • Following

You can find the same filter by role by clicking on the search bar.

On the left, apply one of the standard filters to see tasks by their status and whether they require your attention.

On the right, you can filter tasks by various fields. For example, to navigate between task statuses, select them in the Status field:

  • Pending
  • In progress
  • Pending review
  • Completed
  • Deferred
  • Completed in active sprint

Completed tasks might appear in the In progress filter if they have unread comments. To remove these tasks from the search results, read the comments.

To create a custom filter, click Add field. You'll see the list of available task fields. Tick the ones you want to add to the filter. For example, add the Assignee and Priority fields.

To delete fields from the filter, click the cross icon to the right of these fields.

Remember, you can always apply the Restore default fields option to revert the changes and show only the Role and Status fields on the right.

To filter tasks in Bitrix24 mobile app, open the Tasks section and tap the three dots button in the top right corner. In the pop-up window, use these filters to find tasks requiring your attention:

  • Overdue
  • New comments

Also, you can filter the tasks by saved filters by tapping the loupe icon.

Smart search in tasks

Web version
Mobile app

Smart search lets you look through all accessible tasks by entering a word or phrase. If this text appears in the task's name, description, or comments, it'll show up in the search results.

You can apply both filters and keywords to get the best search results.

Tap on the loup icon to use the search by word or part of the word.


How can I configure saved filters on the left?

To configure the filters in the left menu, click the gear button.

Then you can pin, edit, or delete the filters by clicking the corresponding buttons.

To reorder filters in the list, click the three lines button and drag the filter to the desired position.

Remember, you can always apply Reset to default option if you'd like to reset configured filters.

Account administrators can save the configured filters for all account users due to the Apply for all users option.

How can I save a custom filter on the left?

To save your custom filter on the left, follow these steps:

  1. Specify field values.

  2. Click + Save filter on the left.

  3. Specify the filter name.

  4. Click Save.

How can I find tasks added to favorites?

To find the tasks that you added to favorites, click Add field button in the filter and tick the Task parameters field.

Select In Favorites and click Search.

Then you will see all the tasks added to favorites.

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