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Tasks in Bitrix24

Bitrix24 Tasks will help you plan and prioritize your work processes. This tool is suitable for all employees of your company.

Web version
Mobile app

How to create a task

If the task is complex, you can divide it into subtasks. This will make the work more convenient and allow the employee to complete the task efficiently.

Create a task

Create a subtask

Task features

To make tasks work more efficiently, you can configure additional settings:

How to find a task

Use a task filter to find the task among other ones. Sort tasks by roles, statuses, customize your own filters, as well as use the smart search and quickly find tasks you added to favorites.

Filters and smart search in tasks

How to work with tasks

Work with a task depends on the user's role:

  • The assignee can read its description, add a reminder and set the status of the task.
  • Observers and participants assist the responsible person with the task;
  • The created by person will be able to check the result of the completed task, send it for revision if necessary, and assess its quality.

Working with tasks

Types of task view

You can choose one of the following views:

  • List – all the tasks are grouped in one list.

  • Deadline – this view will help you plan your work time.

  • Planner – you can sort tasks by different criteria: deadlines, task importance, connection to projects, and so on.

  • Kanban is a virtual board where you can manually divide all tasks into different stages.

  • Gantt Chart is a visual representation of the duration and the deadlines for all your tasks in the calendar grid.

Tasks in CRM

In addition to the main task tool, you can work with them inside CRM forms. Your managers will be able to track task statuses in the kanban view without going to every deal or lead form.

Tasks in CRM

Task access permissions

You can limit or expand access permissions for certain employees to specific actions with tasks, customize individual access to templates and automation settings.

Tasks: Access permissions

Task automation

Configure automation for tasks and speed up your work with them. This will increase employee efficiency and help with large tasks and projects.

Task automation

How to create a task

Create a task and give a detailed description. If the task is complex, you can divide it into subtasks. This will make the work more convenient and allow the employee to complete the task efficiently.

Read detailed information in the articles:

Task features

To make tasks work more efficiently, you can configure additional settings:

How to find a task

Use a task filter to find the task among other ones. Sort tasks by roles, statuses, customize your own filters, as well as use the smart search and quickly find tasks you added to favorites.

Read more information in the article: Filters and smart search in tasks.

How to work with tasks

Work with a task depends on the user's role in it:

  • The responsible person can read its description, add a reminder and set the status of the task;

  • Observers and participants assist the responsible person with the task;

  • The created by person will be able to check the result of the completed task, send it for revision if necessary, and assess its quality.
Read more information in the article: Working with tasks.

Tasks in CRM

In addition to the main task tool, you can work with them inside CRM forms. Your managers will be able to track task statuses in the kanban view without going to every deal or lead form.

Read more information in the article: Tasks in CRM.

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