
FAQ: Calendars

The Bitrix24 Calendar is designed to support your company and individual employees in planning work efficiently. It allows you to manage schedules and organize collaborative events with ease. With seamless synchronization with other services, it ensures that all your events are in one place. In this article, we provide clear answers to common questions about using the calendar.

In brief, this article will help you understand:

What calendars are available in Bitrix24

There are several calendars in Bitrix24:

  • My Calendar — events you created or were invited to by colleagues.
  • Company Calendar — events planned within the company, such as corporate holidays.
  • Workgroup and Project Calendars — events created in workgroups and projects you participate in.

You can add additional calendars:

  • Employee Calendar — events of colleagues whose calendars you've added.
  • Calendars from other services — events from calendars of other services you've synchronized, such as Google, Office365, and others.

Personal calendar
Company calendar
Add other users' calendars
Calendar synchronization in Bitrix24

What the red line in the calendar means

In the Day and Week calendar views, the red line indicates the current time. This helps quickly navigate the schedule. For example, if you have a meeting scheduled at 2:00 PM and the red line shows 1:45 PM, you'll see that there are 15 minutes left until the start.

How to synchronize the calendar with other services

Synchronize calendars to track events in one place.

  1. Go to the My Calendar tab.
  2. Click Synchronize.
  3. Select the calendar you want to connect. All events from this calendar will appear in the Bitrix24 calendar.

Synchronize Bitrix24 calendar with iPhone
Synchronize Bitrix24 calendar with Android device
Connect external calendar via CalDav
Synchronize Bitrix24 calendar with macOS calendar
Synchronize Bitrix24 calendar with Microsoft Outlook
Synchronize Bitrix24 calendar with Google Calendar

Why synchronization is temporarily suspended

Calendar synchronization errors may occur due to a service failure or a password change.

To resume synchronization:

  1. Go to My Calendar > Synchronize.
  2. Click Resume and refresh the page.
  3. If this doesn't help, reconnect the calendar.

Why synchronization with the mobile calendar on Android isn't working

Some smartphone manufacturers add settings that may interfere with synchronization. Ensure that the Bitrix24 calendar has access to the device.
Fix Bitrix24 Android app sync issues

Why the time is occupied when creating an event, even though there are no events in that slot

Reason. Events may remain from previously synchronized calendars, even if synchronization is already disabled. If you disabled synchronization but didn't delete the calendar in Bitrix24, the added events will remain.


  1. Go to the My Calendar tab.
  2. Click on the Calendars section.
  3. Check the box next to the calendar with disabled synchronization. All events will appear in the calendar.
  4. Delete these events or the entire calendar from the schedule.

Why an event doesn't appear in search

Reason. The search only works for the type of calendar you are in. For example, if you are in the company calendar, the search will only show corporate events.


  1. If you are searching for a corporate event, go to the Company Calendar. If the event is created in a personal calendar, go to My Calendar.
  2. Repeat the search.

Why an employee can't see the workgroup calendar

For an employee to have access to the workgroup calendar, they must be a member of the group. If the user is not part of the group, the calendar will be unavailable, even if the group settings allow "Authorized users."

  1. Go to the workgroup.
  2. Click About the group > Members.
  3. Click Invite and add the colleague.

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