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Delete Bitrix24 account in mobile app

This option is only available for cloud account users in the Bitrix24 mobile app for iOS.

The Apple Company has introduced new requirements to make it easier for users to manage their personal data. In this regard, any authorized Bitrix24 user has the ability to delete his/her account.

The profile owner needs to send a request for account deletion. It will be deleted within 30 days.

How to delete an account

Open the Bitrix24 mobile app and log in to your account.

Tap on your profile photo in the top left corner and go to your profile. Scroll down the page and tap Delete account.

In the warning window, read the description of the next steps. Tap Continue to fill out the request form, log in to the account you want to delete, and then tap Log in.

Log in to the account via your mobile phone browser, depending on your initial registration method. Tap Next.

If you see the This address could not be found error, it means that you logged in to an account that is not associated with the requested Bitrix24. In this case, log out of your Bitrix24 profile and log in again with the current data. If necessary, clear your browser history.

Read all the items listed in the profile deletion request form. Specify the reason for deleting the account and confirm the action. Tap Send request.

As soon as we receive a request, the administrator will receive information about the impending deletion of your profile. If you are the only administrator of your Bitrix24, give administrator rights to another user before deletion. Otherwise, the account will also be deleted.

Your account will be deleted within 30 days of your request.

We will inform you of the final profile deletion by the email you specified in your Bitrix24 Network profile.

What happens after the account deletion

The deletion request is valid only for one profile of a particular account under which the user is authorized in the Bitrix24 mobile app.

As soon as your request is processed and your profile is deleted:

  • Access to this Bitrix24 will be closed.

  • The account will be removed from the Bitrix24 list on the Network page.

  • Your data and content that you uploaded to the account will remain until your Bitrix24 administrator deletes them.

  • You will not receive emails related to this account.

  • You will be marked as Dismissed in the list of employees.

  • If you have only one account registered, deleting your profile will completely delete your Bitrix24 Network profile, according to the Bitrix24 Terms of Service.

  • If you have several accounts and you want to completely delete all of them, you need to send a request for deletion from each Bitrix24 account.

How to cancel a deletion request

If your profile has not yet been deleted, send a cancellation request. To do this, go to your profile in the mobile app and go through all the steps again before the request form. In this case, in the Reason for deletion field, specify "cancel profile deletion".

The cancellation request must be sent from the same account from which the deletion request was sent.

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