
Description of datasets and fields for BI Builder

The dataset contains information on leads, deals, custom fields, companies, and other Bitrix24 entities. Use this data in BI Builder, Power BI, and Looker Studio to build new reports or add necessary information to the existing ones.

Find all available datasets and descriptions of their fields below.


Deal — crm_deal

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
DATE_CREATE Deal creation date and time Date
CREATED_BY_ID ID of the user who created the deal Number
CREATED_BY ID and name of the user who created the deal String
CREATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who created the deal String
DATE_MODIFY Deal change date and time Date
MODIFY_BY_ID ID of the user who last updated the deal Number
MODIFIED_BY ID and name of the user who last updated the deal String
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last modified the deal String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user who was assigned as responsible for the deal Number
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the deal String
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Responsible person's department String
MOVED_BY_ID ID of the user who changed the stage Number
MOVED_BY ID and name of the user who changed the stage String
MOVED_BY_NAME Name of the user who changed the stage String
MOVED_TIME Stage change date and time Date
LEAD_ID ID of the lead converted into the deal Number
COMPANY_NAME Company name String
COMPANY_ID Company ID Number
COMPANY Company name and ID String
CONTACT_ID Contact ID Number
CONTACT_NAME Contact name String
CONTACT Contact name and ID String
OPENED Shows whether the deal is available to all employees ("Y") or not ("N") String
TITLE Deal name String
CRM_PRODUCT CRM product name and ID (one or multiple) String
CATEGORY Deal pipeline name and ID String
STAGE_ID Stage ID String
STAGE Stage name and ID String
STAGE_SEMANTIC_ID Status type ID: "F": "(failed) - processed unsuccessfully", "S": "(success) - processed successfully", "P": "(processing) - deal in progress" String
STAGE_SEMANTIC Status type, semantic type description (e.g., "Success", "Failure", "In progress") String
IS_NEW Shows whether the deal is in the first stage ("Y") or not ("N") String
IS_RECURRING Shows whether the deal is recurring ("Y") or not ("N") String
IS_RETURN_CUSTOMER Shows whether the deal is repeat inquiry ("Y") or not ("N") String
CLOSED Shows whether the deal is in a final stage ("Y") or not ("N") String
TYPE_ID Deal type String
OPPORTUNITY_ACCOUNT Amount in reporting currency Number
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount Number
IS_MANUAL_OPPORTUNITY Shows whether the deal amount was entered manually ("Y") or not ("N") String
TAX_VALUE Tax Number
TAX_VALUE_ACCOUNT Tax in reporting currency Number
CURRENCY_ID Currency String
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_ID Reporting currency String
PROBABILITY Deal success probability (scoring) Number
COMMENTS Comments in the deal String
BEGINDATE Auto completes with the deal creation date Date
CLOSEDATE Proposed closing date of the deal; by default, it's set 7 days after the deal creation date Date
LOCATION_ID Customer location Number
SOURCE_ID Source ID String
SOURCE Source name and ID String
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description String
ORIGINATOR_ID External system where the deal was created String
ORIGIN_ID Deal ID in the external system where the deal was created String
ADDITIONAL_INFO Additional information in the deal String
UTM_SOURCE Ad source, UTM_SOURCE in the deal form String
UTM_MEDIUM Ad medium, UTM_MEDIUM in the deal form String
UTM_CAMPAIGN Ad campaign, UTM_CAMPAIGN in the deal form String
UTM_CONTENT Ad content, UTM_CONTENT in the deal form String
UTM_TERM Ad term, UTM_TERM in the deal form String
BANK_DETAIL_ID Bank details ID Number
CRM_PRODUCT_ID Identifiers of products in the deal form Number
CRM_PRODUCT_COUNT Product quantity as seen in the deal form String
WEBFORM_NAME CRM form name String
WEBFORM CRM form name and ID String

Deal: custom fields — crm_deal_uf

All custom fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description Field type
DEAL_ID Deal ID Number
DATE_CREATE Deal creation date and time Date
CLOSEDATE Proposed closing date of the deal Date
UF_CRM_123456789 Custom field name String
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24 String

Deal: stage history — crm_deal_stage_history

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
TYPE_ID Record type: 1 for entity creation, 2 for transfer to the intermediate stage, and 3 for transfer to the final stage Number
DEAL_ID Deal ID, identifier of the entity in which the stage has changed; in this case, the deal ID Number
DATE_CREATE Record creation date and time. Date and time of the deal getting on the stage Date
START_DATE Stage start date; the values of the crm_deal_stage_history.START_DATE and crm_deal.BEGINDATE fields are equal Date
END_DATE Stage end date; the values of the crm_deal_stage_history.END_DATE and crm_deal.CLOSEDATE fields are equal Date
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the deal String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user who was assigned as responsible for the deal Number
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the deal String
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Responsible person's department String
STAGE_SEMANTIC_ID Stage type identifier: "F": "(failed) - processed unsuccessfully", "S": "(success) - processed successfully", "P": "(processing) - deal in processing" String
STAGE_SEMANTIC Stage type: "Failure", "Success", or "In Progress" String
STAGE_ID Stage ID String
STAGE Stage ID and name String
STAGE_NAME Stage name String
CATEGORY_ID Deal pipeline ID String
CATEGORY_NAME Deal pipeline name String
CATEGORY Deal pipeline String

Deal: products — crm_deal_product_row

In Bitrix24 On-premise version, the iblock module is required for working with the PARENT, SUPERPARENT, and SUPERSUPERPARENT fields. Depending on the version of the information block, it uses different tables and fields.

For the information block version 1.0:

  • Table: b_iblock_element_property. Fields: IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID, IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID.

For the information block version 2.0:

  • Table: b_iblock_element_prop_s{information block ID}. Fields: PROPERTY_{ID of the "Catalog element" property}, BLOCK_THE_ID ELEMENT.

  • Table: b_iblock_section_element. Field: IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID.

  • Table: b_iblock_section. Fields: ID, NAME.

The catalog and sale modules are required to use the INSTOCK field. They use the following tables and fields:

  • Table: b_catalog_dogs_element. Fields: DOC_ID, ELEMENT_ID.

  • Table: b_catalog_store_docs. Fields: ID, DOC_TYPE, STATUS, DATE_STATUS.

  • Table: b_sale_basket. Fields: QUANTITY, ID, PRODUCT_ID.

  • Table: b_sale_order_dlv_basket. Fields: ORDER_DELIVERY_ID, BASKET_ID.

  • Table: b_sale_order_delivery. Fields: ID, DEDUCTED, DATE_DEDUCTED.
Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
DEAL_ID Deal ID Number
DEAL_DATE_CREATE Deal creation time Date
DEAL_CLOSEDATE Deal completion time Date
PRODUCT Product name and ID String
PRODUCT_ID Product ID Number
PRODUCT_NAME Product name String
PRICE Product price Number
PRICE_EXCLUSIVE Discounted price without tax Number
PRICE_NETTO Price without discount or tax Number
PRICE_BRUTTO Price with tax, but without discount Number
QUANTITY Product quantity Number
DISCOUNT_TYPE Discount name and ID String
DISCOUNT_TYPE_NAME Discount name String
DISCOUNT_RATE Discount percentage value Number
DISCOUNT_SUM Discount amount Number
TAX_RATE Tax percentage rate Number
TAX_INCLUDED Shows whether tax is included in price ("Y") or not ("N") String
CUSTOMIZED Shows whether the product was modified manually after being added to the deal ("Y") or not ("N") String
MEASURE Unit of measurement name and ID String
MEASURE_CODE Unit of measurement ID Number
MEASURE_NAME Unit of measurement name String
SORT Sorting order Number
CATEGORY Deal pipeline name and ID String
CATEGORY_NAME Deal pipeline name String
PARENT Product section (e.g., "Yoghurts") String
SUPERPARENT Parent product section (e.g., "Dairy products") String
SUPERSUPERPARENT Parent of parent product section (e.g., "Perishable products") String


Lead — crm_lead

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
DATE_CREATE Lead creation date and time Date
CREATED_BY_ID ID of the user who created the lead Number
CREATED_BY ID and name of the user who created the lead String
DATE_MODIFY Lead change date and time Date
MODIFY_BY_ID ID of the user who last updated the lead Number
MODIFIED_BY ID and name of the user who last updated the lead String
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last modified the lead String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user who was assigned as responsible for the lead Number
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the lead String
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the lead String
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Responsible person's department String
COMPANY_ID Company ID Number
COMPANY Company name and ID String
COMPANY_NAME Company name String
COMPANY_TITLE Company name from the lead field String
CONTACT_ID Contact ID Number
CONTACT_NAME Contact name String
CONTACT Contact name and ID String
OPENED Shows whether the lead is available to all employees ("Y") or not ("N") String
TITLE Lead title String
NAME First name in the lead form String
LAST_NAME Last name in the lead form String
SECOND_NAME Second name in the lead form String
FULL_NAME Full name in the lead form String
POST Position String
STATUS_ID Status ID String
STATUS_NAME Status name String
STATUS Status name and ID String
STATUS_DESCRIPTION Status description (reasons for moving to the status) String
STATUS_SEMANTIC_ID Status type identifier: "F": "(failed) - processed unsuccessfully", "S": "(success) - processed successfully", "P": "(processing) - lead in processing" String
STATUS_SEMANTIC Status type ("Success" or "Failure") String
IS_RETURN_CUSTOMER Shows whether the lead is repeat ("Y") or not ("N") String
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount Number
CURRENCY_ID Currency String
COMMENTS Comments in the lead form String
SOURCE_ID Source ID String
SOURCE_NAME Source name String
SOURCE Source name and ID String
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description String
ORIGINATOR_ID External system where the lead was created String
ORIGIN_ID Lead ID in the external system where the lead was created String
UTM_SOURCE Ad source, UTM_SOURCE in the lead form String
UTM_MEDIUM Ad medium, UTM_MEDIUM in the lead form String
UTM_CAMPAIGN Ad campaign, UTM_CAMPAIGN in the lead form String
UTM_CONTENT Ad content, UTM_CONTENT in the lead form String
UTM_TERM Ad term, UTM_TERM in the lead form String
CRM_PRODUCT_ID Identifiers of products in the lead form String
CRM_PRODUCT CRM product name and ID (one or multiple) String
CRM_PRODUCT_COUNT Product quantity as seen in the lead form String
CRM_PRODUCT_NAME Product name in the lead form String
ADDRESS_1 Address in the lead form String
ADDRESS_2 Address in the lead form String
ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Zip/Postal code String
ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country code String
DATE_CLOSED Lead closing date and time Date
BIRTHDATE Date of birth Date
HONORIFIC Salutation String
PHONE Type identifier and phone number String
WEB Type identifier and URL String
EMAIL Type identifier and email String
IM Type identifier and messengers String

Lead: custom fields — crm_lead_uf

All custom fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description Field type
LEAD_ID Lead ID Number
DATE_MODIFY Lead change date Date
DATE_CREATE Lead creation date Date
DATE_CLOSED Lead closing date Date
UF_CRM_123456789 Custom field name String
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24 String

Lead: status history — crm_lead_status_history

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key of the record Number
TYPE_ID Record type: 1 for entity creation, 2 for transfer to the intermediate stage, and 3 for transfer to the final stage Number
LEAD_ID Lead ID, identifier of the entity in which the stage has changed; in this case, the lead ID Number
DATE_CREATE Record creation date and time. Date and time of the lead getting on the stage Date
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user who was assigned as responsible for the lead Number
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the lead String
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the lead String
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Responsible person's department String
STATUS_SEMANTIC_ID Status type identifier: "F": "(failed) - processed unsuccessfully", "S": "(success) - processed successfully", "P": "(processing) - lead in processing" String
STATUS_SEMANTIC Status type ("Success" or "Failure") String
STATUS_ID Status ID String
STATUS Status name and ID String
STATUS_NAME Status name String

Lead: products — crm_lead_product_row

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key of the record Number
LEAD_ID Lead ID Number
LEAD_DATE_MODIFY Lead change date Date
LEAD_DATE_CREATE Lead creation date Date
LEAD_DATE_CLOSED Lead closing date Date
PRODUCT Product name and ID String
PRODUCT_ID Product ID Number
PRODUCT_NAME Product name String
PRICE Product price Number
PRICE_EXCLUSIVE Discounted price without tax Number
PRICE_NETTO Price without discount or tax Number
PRICE_BRUTTO Price with tax, but without discount Number
QUANTITY Product quantity Number
DISCOUNT_TYPE Discount name and ID String
DISCOUNT_TYPE_NAME Discount name String
DISCOUNT_RATE Discount percentage value Number
DISCOUNT_SUM Discount amount Number
TAX_RATE Tax percentage rate Number
TAX_INCLUDED Shows whether tax is included in price ("Y") or not ("N") String
CUSTOMIZED Shows whether the product was modified manually after being added to the lead ("Y") or not ("N") String
MEASURE Unit of measurement name and ID String
MEASURE_CODE Unit of measurement ID Number
MEASURE_NAME Unit of measurement name String
SORT Sorting order Number


Products — crm_product

Field Description Field type
ID Unique ID Number
NAME Name String
TYPE Product type String
PARENT_ID Parent product unique ID Number
MEASURE Unit of measurement String
PRICE Price Number

Product properties — crm_product_property

Field Description Field type
ID Unique ID Number
NAME Name String

Product property values — crm_product_property_value

In this dataset, the IDs are in strings format because, in information block version 2.0, each property has its own table and a unique field.

Field Description Field type
ID Unique ID String
PROPERTY_ID Property unique ID Number
PRODUCT_ID Product unique ID Number
VALUE Value String

SPAs and activities

SPA: items — crm_dynamic_items_*

Each SPA (Smart Process Automation) is a separate dataset. It contains its own fields and columns. You need to find the SPA type ID to use its data in reports.
Where to find the SPA ID

All custom SPA fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description
ID Unique key
XML_ID External ID
CREATED_BY ID and name of the user who created the SPA item
CREATED_BY_ID ID of the user who created the SPA item
CREATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who created the SPA item
UPDATED_BY ID and name of the user who last updated the SPA item
UPDATED_BY_ID ID of the user who last updated the SPA item
UPDATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last updated the SPA item
MOVED_BY ID and name of the user who changed the stage
MOVED_BY_ID ID of the user who changed the stage
MOVED_BY_NAME Name of the user who changed the stage
CREATED_TIME SPA item creation date
UPDATED_TIME SPA item change date
MOVED_TIME SPA item's stage change date
CATEGORY Pipeline name and ID
CATEGORY_NAME Pipeline name
OPENED Shows whether the deal is available to all employees ("Y") or not ("N")
STAGE Stage name and ID
STAGE_NAME Stage name
BEGINDATE Start date
COMPANY Company name and ID
COMPANY_NAME Company name
CONTACT Contact name and ID
CONTACT_NAME Contact name
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount
IS_MANUAL_OPPORTUNITY Shows whether the expected amount was entered manually ("Y") or not ("N")
OPPORTUNITY_ACCOUNT Amount in reporting currency
TAX_VALUE_ACCOUNT Tax in reporting currency
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_ID Reporting currency
MYCOMPANY ID and name of my company
MYCOMPANY_NAME My company name
SOURCE Source name and ID (e.g., "[STORE] Online store")
SOURCE_NAME Source name
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user assigned as a responsible person
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user assigned as a responsible person
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user assigned as a responsible person
WEBFORM_ID ID of the source CRM form
UF_CRM_123456789 Custon field name
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24

SPA: products — crm_dynamic_items_prod_*

Each SPA (Smart Process Automation) is a separate dataset. It contains its own fields and columns. You need to find the SPA type ID to use its data in reports.
Where to find the SPA ID

Field Description
ID Unique key
PRODUCT_NAME Product name
PRICE Product price
PRICE_EXCLUSIVE Discounted price without tax
PRICE_NETTO Price without discount or tax
PRICE_BRUTTO Price with tax, but without discount
QUANTITY Product quantity
DISCOUNT_TYPE Discount name and ID
DISCOUNT_RATE Discount percentage value
DISCOUNT_SUM Discount amount
TAX_RATE Tax percentage rate
TAX_INCLUDED Shows whether tax is included in price ("Y") or not ("N")
CUSTOMIZED Shows whether the product was modified manually after being added to the SPA item ("Y") or not ("N")
MEASURE Unit of measurement
MEASURE_CODE Unit of measurement ID
MEASURE_NAME Unit of measurement name
SORT Sorting order
PARENT Product section
SUPERPARENT Parent product section
SUPERSUPERPARENT Parent of parent product section

Smart Process Automation — crm_smart_proc

Field Description Field type
TITLE SPA name String
DATASET_NAME SPA dataset name String
AUTOMATED_SOLUTION_DATASET_NAME Automated solution dataset name; if the SPA is not linked to any automated solution, the CRM dataset name will be displayed String
CUSTOM_SECTION_ID Automated solution ID Number
CUSTOM_SECTION_TITLE Automated solution name String

CRM stages — crm_stages

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key of the record Number
ENTITY_TYPE_ID Entity type ID Number
STATUS_ID Stage ID String
NAME Stage name String
CATEGORY_ID Pipeline ID Number
CATEGORY_NAME Pipeline name String
SORT Sort order Number
SEMANTICS Stage type: "null" for intermediate stages, "S" for success, and "F" for failure. String

CRM entity links — crm_entity_relation

Field Description Field type
SRC_ENTITY_TYPE_ID Source entity type ID (e.g., Lead 1, Deal 2, Contact 3, Company 4, Invoice 31, Estimate 7, Details 8) Number
SRC_ENTITY_ID Source entity ID Number
SRC_ENTITY_DATASET_NAME Source entity dataset name String
DST_ENTITY_TYPE_ID Linked entity type ID (e.g., Lead 1, Deal 2, Contact 3, Company 4, Invoice 31, Estimate 7, Details 8) Number
DST_ENTITY_ID Linked entity ID Number
DST_ENTITY_DATASET_NAME Linked entity dataset name String

Automated solution — crm_automated_solution_*

Field Description Field type
XXX Automated solution type ID Number
TITLE SPA name String
DATASET_NAME SPA dataset name String
AUTOMATED_SOLUTION_DATASET_NAME Automated solution dataset name is displayed if the SPA is linked to the automated solution; otherwise, the CRM dataset name is displayed String
CUSTOM_SECTION_ID Automated solution ID Number
CUSTOM_SECTION_TITLE Automated solution name String

Activity — crm_activity

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
SUBJECT Activity name (e.g., Contact customer) String
ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID ID of the Bitrix24 entity associated with the activity. Number
TYPE_ID Activity type ID: 2 (call), 4 (email), 6 (user action). Values 1 (meeting) and 3 (task) are outdated. Now, the system uses 6 (user action) instead. To specify the activity type, use the PROVIDER_ID and PROVIDER_TYPE_ID fields. For example, tasks are marked as user actions (type_id=6). The fields will show:
PROVIDER_ID Specifies the activity type in CRM. Some activities are marked as user actions, and this field will help you determine the actual activity type. For example, a CRM form is marked as CRM_WEBFORM. String
PROVIDER_TYPE_ID Specifies the activity category in CRM. For example, for a CRM form, it shows the form ID. String
TYPE_NAME Activity type name, like "Meeting" or "Call" String
OWNER_ID ID of the CRM entity to which the activity is linked Number
OWNER_TYPE_ID CRM entity type code: 1 - lead, 2 - deal, 3 - contact Number
OWNER_TYPE_NAME CRM entity type name String
PRIORITY_ID Priority code: 1 - low, 2 - normal, 3 - high Number
PRIORITY_NAME Priority level String
DIRECTION_ID Pipeline ID Number
DIRECTION_NAME Pipeline name String
STATUS_ID Status code: 1 - pending, 2 - completed, 3 - completed automatically Number
STATUS_NAME Status name String
COMPLETED Shows whether the activity is completed ("Y") or not ("N") String
DATE_CREATE Activity creation date and time Date
START_TIME Activity start time Date
END_TIME Activity completion time Date
DEADLINE Activity deadline Date
DATE_MODIFY Last change date and time Date
AUTHOR ID and name of the user who created the activity String
AUTHOR_ID ID of the user who created the activity Number
AUTHOR_NAME Name of the user who created the activity String
EDITOR ID and name of the user who last modified the activity String
EDITOR_ID ID of the user who last modified the activity Number
EDITOR_NAME Name of the user who last modified the activity String
RESPONSIBLE Activity responsible person name and ID String
RESPONSIBLE_ID Activity responsible person ID Number
RESPONSIBLE_NAME Activity responsible person name String
DESCRIPTION Activity description String
DESCRIPTION_TYPE_ID Description type code Number
DESCRIPTION_TYPE_NAME Description type String
ORIGINATOR_ID External system where the activity was created String
ORIGIN_ID Activity external ID String


Field Description
App activity (added using REST API) PROVIDER_ID: CONFIGURATION_REST_APP, PROVIDER_TYPE_ID: CONFIGURABLE by default, can be any subtype registered via REST.
Methods for handling a configurable activity
Method for registering an activity subtype
External Channels
WhatsApp message PROVIDER_ID: CRM_NOTIFICATION, PROVIDER_TYPE_ID: notifications (all messages except the ones from Sales center), SALESCENTER_PAYMENT_SENT (messages from Sales center)
Submitted CRM form PROVIDER_ID: CRM_WEBFORM, PROVIDER_TYPE_ID: ID of the submitted form
Open Channel chat PROVIDER_ID: IMOPENLINES_SESSION, PROVIDER_TYPE_ID: ID of the open channel conversation
App activity (added using REST API) PROVIDER_ID: REST_APP, PROVIDER_TYPE_ID: any subtype registered via REST.
Method for registering an activity subtype


Company — crm_company

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
DATE_CREATE Company creation date and time Date
DATE_MODIFY Company change date and time Date
CREATED_BY_ID ID of the user who created the company Number
CREATED_BY ID and name of the user who created the company String
CREATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who created the company String
MODIFY_BY_ID ID of the user who last modified the company Number
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last modified the company String
MODIFIED_BY ID and name of the user who last modified the company String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user who was assigned as responsible for this company Number
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the company String
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the company String
OPENED Shows whether the company is available to all employees ("Y") or not ("N") String
TITLE Company name String
ADDRESS_1 Address 1 String
ADDRESS_2 Address 2 String
ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Zip/Postal code Number
ADDRESS_REGION State/Territory/Region String
ADDRESS_PROVINCE Area/District/Municipality String
ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country code String
BANKING_DETAILS Banking details String
COMMENTS Comments String
COMPANY_TYPE_ID Company type ID String
COMPANY_TYPE_NAME Company type name String
COMPANY_TYPE ID and name of the company type String
INDUSTRY_ID Industry ID String
INDUSTRY_NAME Industry name String
INDUSTRY ID and name of industry String
REVENUE Annual revenue Number
CURRENCY_ID Currency String
EMPLOYESS Number of employees String
LEAD_ID ID of the lead linked to the company Number
ORIGINATOR_ID External system String
ORIGIN_ID External identifier String
ORIGIN_VERSION Original version String
IS_MY_COMPANY My company property String
UTM_SOURCE Ad source String
UTM_MEDIUM Ad medium String
UTM_CAMPAIGN Ad campaign String
UTM_CONTENT Ad content String
UTM_TERM Ad term String
PHONE Phone number String
WEB URL String
EMAIL Email String
IM Messengers String

Company: custom fields — crm_company_uf

All custom fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description Field type
COMPANY_ID Company ID Number
DATE_CREATE Company creation date and time Date
UF_LOGO Company logo String
UF_CRM_123456789 Custom field name String
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24 String
UF_STAMP Company stamp String
UF_DIRECTOR_SIGN CEO's signature String
UF_ACCOUNTANT_SIGN Chief Accountant's signature String


Contact — crm_contact

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
DATE_CREATE Contact creation date and time Date
DATE_MODIFY Contact change date and time Date
CREATED_BY_ID ID of the user who created the contact Number
CREATED_BY ID and name of the user who created the contact String
CREATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who created the contact String
MODIFY_BY_ID ID of the user who last modified the contact Number
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last modified the contact String
MODIFIED_BY ID and name of the user who last modified the contact String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user who was assigned as responsible for the contact Number
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user who was assigned as responsible for the contact String
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user who was assigned as responsible for this contact String
OPENED Shows whether the contact is available to all employees ("Y") or not ("N") String
COMPANY_ID Company ID Number
SOURCE_ID Source ID String
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description String
NAME First name String
LAST_NAME Last name String
SECOND_NAME Second name String
POST Position String
ADDRESS_1 Address 1 String
ADDRESS_2 Address 2 String
ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Zip/Postal code Number
ADDRESS_REGION State/Territory/Region String
ADDRESS_PROVINCE Area/District/Municipality String
ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country code String
COMMENTS Comments String
LEAD_ID ID of the lead linked with the contact Number
EXPORT Shows whether the contact can be exported ("Y") or not ("N") String
TYPE_ID Type ID (e.g., "CLIENT") String
ORIGINATOR_ID External system String
ORIGIN_ID External identifier String
ORIGIN_VERSION Original version String
BIRTHDATE Date of birth Date
HONORIFIC Salutation code (e.g., "HNR_EN_1") String
FACE_ID faceid ID Number
PHONE Phone number String
WEB URL String
EMAIL Email String
IM Messengers String
UTM_SOURCE Ad source String
UTM_MEDIUM Ad medium (e.g., "CPC" for ads or "CPM" for banners) String
UTM_CAMPAIGN Ad campaign String
UTM_CONTENT Ad content String
UTM_TERM Ad term (e.g., contextual advertising keywords) String

Contact: custom fields — crm_contact_uf

All custom fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description Field type
CONTACT_ID Contact ID Number
DATE_CREATE Contact creation date and time Date
UF_CRM_123456789 Custom field name String
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24 String

Employees, projects, and calls

Employee — user

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
ACTIVE Shows whether the user is on staff ("Y") or dismissed ("N") String
NAME User name String
DEPARTMENT User's department in the company structure. The department position in the company hierarchy is shown as "[ID] Company name / Company department." If a user is linked to multiple departments, the department with the smallest ID is used. String

Project — socialnetwork_group

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
SITE_ID Site code String
NAME Project or workgroup name String
DESCRIPTION Project or workgroup description String
DATE_CREATE Creation date and time Date
DATE_MODIFY Date and time of the last change of project or workgroup parameters Date
OPENED Shows whether a workgroup or project is public ("Y") or not ("N") String
SUBJECT Project or workgroup subject String
OWNER_ID Project or workgroup owner ID Number
OWNER_NAME Project or workgroup owner name String
OWNER Project or workgroup owner String
KEYWORDS Project keywords or tags String
MODERATORS_IDS IDs of workgroup moderators String
MEMBERS_IDS IDs of workgroup members String
TYPE Workgroup type: GROUP - workgroup, PROJECT - project, or SCRUM - scrum team String
NUMBER_OF_MEMBERS Number of workgroup members Number
DATE_ACTIVITY Last activity date and time Date
CLOSED Shows whether a workgroup or project is archived ("Y") or not ("N") String
PROJECT Shows whether it is a project ("Y") or not ("N") String
PROJECT_DATE_START Project start date Date and time
PROJECT_DATE_FINISH Project end date Date and time
SCRUM_MASTER_ID Scrum master ID Number
SCRUM_MASTER_NAME Scrum master name String
SCRUM_MASTER Scrum master ID and name String
SCRUM_SPRINT_DURATION Sprint duration in scrum team (in seconds) Number
SCRUM_TASK_RESPONSIBLE Default assignee in scrum team: A (creator) or M (scrum master) String

Call — telephony_call

Field Description Field type
CALL_ID Unique key String
CALL_TYPE Call type: 1 - outgoing, 2 - incoming, 3 - forwarded incoming, 4 - callback Number
CALL_VOTE Call rating Number
COMMENT Call comment String
PORTAL_USER Agent ID and name (e.g., "[12] Sam Smith") String
PORTAL_USER_DEPARTMENT Agent department (e.g., "[1] Company24 / [7] IT department") String
PORTAL_NUMBER Agent number linked with the call String
PHONE_NUMBER Customer's phone number String
CALL_DURATION Call duration in seconds Number
CALL_START_TIME Call start time Date
COST Call cost Number
COST_CURRENCY Call currency (e.g., "USD" or "EUR") String
CALL_STATUS_CODE Call code String
CALL_STATUS_CODE_ID Call result code String
CALL_STATUS_CODE_NAME Call result description String
CALL_STATUS_REASON Call code description (e.g., "Skipped call" or "Success call") String
CRM_ACTIVITY_ID ID of the CRM activity created based on the call Number
CRM_ENTITY_ID ID of the CRM entity to which the activity is bound Number
CRM_ENTITY_TYPE Type of CRM entity to which the activity is bound (e.g., "CONTACT") String
REST_APP_ID External telephony integration application ID Number
REST_APP_NAME External telephony integration application name String
REDIAL_ATTEMPT Number of dial attempts Number
TRANSCRIPT_ID Call transcript ID Number
TRANSCRIPT_PENDING Shows whether the transcript is ready ("N") or still in progress ("Y") String
RECORD_FILE_ID Call recording file ID Number


Workflow assignments — bizproc_task

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
CODE_ID Assignment type ID String
CODE_NAME Assignment type name String
CODE type String
WORKFLOW_ID Workflow ID and parent workflow ID String
NAME Assignment name String
CREATED_DATE Date and time assignment was created Date
MODIFIED Date and time assignment was modified Date
DURATION Workflow execution time in seconds Number
APPROVE_TYPE Assignment approval type ID String
APPROVE_TYPE_NAME Assignment approval type name String
STATUS_ID Status ID Number
STATUS_NAME Assignment status name String
STATUS Assignment status ID and name String
USER_ID Assignment participant ID Number
USER_NAME Assignment participant name String
USER Assignment participant ID and name String

Workflow — bizproc_workflow_state

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key String
STARTED_BY_ID ID of the user who started the workflow Number
STARTED_BY_NAME Name of the user who started the workflow String
STARTED_BY ID and name of the user who started the workflow String
STARTED Start date and time Date
COMPLETED Completion status, "Y" - completed, "N" - running String
DOCUMENT_ID Workflow element ID String
DURATION Workflow execution time in seconds Number
START_DURATION Time spent on getting the workflow to start Number
MODULE_ID Module ID String
MODULE_ID_NAME Module name String
ENTITY_ID Entity type ID String
ENTITY_ID_NAME Entity type name String
MODIFIED_BY_ID ID of the user who last updated the template Number
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last updated the template String
MODIFIED_BY ID and name of the user who last updated the template String

Invoices, e-Signature, e-Signature for HR, and estimates

Invoices — crm_dynamic_items_31

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
XML_ID External ID for communication with external systems String
TITLE Invoice name String
CREATED_BY_ID ID of the user who created the item Number
CREATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who created the item String
CREATED_BY ID and name of the user who created the item String
UPDATED_BY_ID ID of the user who last modified the item Number
UPDATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last modified the item String
UPDATED_BY ID and name of the user who last modified the item String
MOVED_BY_ID ID of the user who changed the stage Number
MOVED_BY_NAME Name of the user who changed the stage String
MOVED_BY ID and name of the user who changed the stage String
CREATED_TIME Creation date and time Date
UPDATED_TIME Change date and time Date
MOVED_TIME Stage change date and time Date
CATEGORY_ID Pipeline ID Number
CATEGORY_NAME Pipeline name String
CATEGORY Pipeline name and ID String
OPENED Shows whether the item is available to all employees ("Y") or not ("N") String
STAGE_ID Stage ID String
STAGE_NAME Stage name String
STAGE Stage name and ID String
PREVIOUS_STAGE_ID Previous stage ID String
BEGINDATE Start date and time Date
CLOSEDATE End date and time Date
COMPANY_ID Company ID Number
COMPANY_NAME Company name String
COMPANY ID and name of the company String
CONTACT_ID Contact ID Number
CONTACT_NAME Contact name String
CONTACT Contact name and ID String
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount Number
IS_MANUAL_OPPORTUNITY Shows whether the expected amount was entered manually ("Y") or not ("N") String
TAX_VALUE Tax Number
CURRENCY_ID Currency (e.g., "USD") String
OPPORTUNITY_ACCOUNT Amount in reporting currency Number
TAX_VALUE_ACCOUNT Tax in reporting currency Number
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_ID Reporting currency String
MYCOMPANY ID and name of my company String
MYCOMPANY_ID My company ID Number
MYCOMPANY_NAME My company name String
SOURCE_ID Source ID String
SOURCE_NAME Source name String
SOURCE Source name and ID String
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description String
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user assigned as a responsible person String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user assigned as a responsible person Number
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user assigned as a responsible person String
WEBFORM_ID ID of the source CRM form Number

Customer documents (e-Signature) — crm_dynamic_items_36

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
XML_ID External ID for communication with external systems String
TITLE Document name String
CREATED_BY_ID ID of the user who created the item Number
CREATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who created the item String
CREATED_BY ID and name of the user who created the item String
UPDATED_BY_ID ID of the user who last modified the item Number
UPDATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last modified the item String
UPDATED_BY ID and name of the user who last modified the item String
MOVED_BY_ID ID of the user who changed the stage Number
MOVED_BY_NAME Name of the user who changed the stage String
MOVED_BY ID and name of the user who changed the stage String
CREATED_TIME Creation date and time Date
UPDATED_TIME Change date and time Date
MOVED_TIME Stage change date and time Date
CATEGORY_ID Pipeline ID Number
CATEGORY_NAME Pipeline name String
CATEGORY Pipeline name and ID String
OPENED Shows whether the item is available to all employees ("Y") or not ("N") String
STAGE_ID Stage ID String
STAGE_NAME Stage name String
STAGE Stage name and ID String
PREVIOUS_STAGE_ID Previous stage ID String
BEGINDATE Start date and time Date
CLOSEDATE End date and time Date
COMPANY_ID Company ID Number
COMPANY_NAME Company name String
COMPANY ID and name of the company String
CONTACT_ID Contact ID Number
CONTACT_NAME Contact name String
CONTACT Contact name and ID String
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount Number
IS_MANUAL_OPPORTUNITY Shows whether the expected amount was entered manually ("Y") or not ("N") String
TAX_VALUE Tax Number
CURRENCY_ID Currency (e.g., "USD") String
OPPORTUNITY_ACCOUNT Amount in reporting currency Number
TAX_VALUE_ACCOUNT Tax in reporting currency Number
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_ID Reporting currency String
MYCOMPANY ID and name of my company String
MYCOMPANY_ID My company ID Number
MYCOMPANY_NAME My company name String
SOURCE_ID Source ID String
SOURCE_NAME Source name String
SOURCE Source name and ID String
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description String
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user assigned as a responsible person String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user assigned as a responsible person Number
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user assigned as a responsible person String
WEBFORM_ID ID of the source CRM form Number

HR documents (e-Signature for HR) — crm_dynamic_items_39

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
XML_ID External ID for communication with external systems String
TITLE Document name String
CREATED_BY_ID ID of the user who created the item Number
CREATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who created the item String
CREATED_BY ID and name of the user who created the item String
UPDATED_BY_ID ID of the user who last modified the item Number
UPDATED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last modified the item String
UPDATED_BY ID and name of the user who last modified the item String
MOVED_BY_ID ID of the user who changed the stage Number
MOVED_BY_NAME Name of the user who changed the stage String
MOVED_BY ID and name of the user who changed the stage String
CREATED_TIME Creation date and time Date
UPDATED_TIME Change date and time Date
MOVED_TIME Stage change date and time Date
CATEGORY_ID Pipeline ID Number
CATEGORY_NAME Pipeline name String
CATEGORY Pipeline name and ID String
OPENED Shows whether the item is available to all employees ("Y") or not ("N") String
STAGE_ID Stage ID String
STAGE_NAME Stage name String
STAGE Stage name and ID String
PREVIOUS_STAGE_ID Previous stage ID String
BEGINDATE Start date and time Date
CLOSEDATE End date and time Date
COMPANY_ID Company ID Number
COMPANY_NAME Company name String
COMPANY ID and name of the company String
CONTACT_ID Contact ID Number
CONTACT_NAME Contact name String
CONTACT Contact name and ID String
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount Number
IS_MANUAL_OPPORTUNITY Shows whether the expected amount was entered manually ("Y") or not ("N") String
TAX_VALUE Tax Number
CURRENCY_ID Currency (e.g., "USD") String
OPPORTUNITY_ACCOUNT Amount in reporting currency Number
TAX_VALUE_ACCOUNT Tax in reporting currency Number
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_ID Reporting currency String
MYCOMPANY ID and name of my company String
MYCOMPANY_ID My company ID Number
MYCOMPANY_NAME My company name String
SOURCE_ID Source ID String
SOURCE_NAME Source name String
SOURCE Source name and ID String
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description String
ASSIGNED_BY ID and name of the user assigned as a responsible person String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID ID of the user assigned as a responsible person Number
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Name of the user assigned as a responsible person String
WEBFORM_ID ID of the source CRM form Number

Estimate — crm_quote

Field Description Field type
ID Estimate ID Number
DATE_CREATE Estimate creation date Date
DATE_MODIFY Estimate change date Date
CREATED_BY_ID Created by user ID Number
CREATED_BY_NAME Created by user name String
CREATED_BY Created by user ID and name String
MODIFY_BY_ID Modified by user ID Number
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Modified by user name String
MODIFIED_BY Modified by user ID and name String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person ID Number
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Responsible person name String
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person ID and name String
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Responsible person's department String
OPENED Shows whether the item is available to everyone ("Y") or not ("N") String
LEAD_ID Lead ID Number
DEAL_ID Deal ID Number
COMPANY_ID Company ID Number
COMPANY_NAME Company name String
COMPANY Company ID and name String
CONTACT_ID Contact ID Number
CONTACT_NAME Contact name String
CONTACT Contact ID and name String
PERSON_TYPE_ID Payer type ID Number
MYCOMPANY_ID Estimate issued by company ID Number
MYCOMPANY_NAME Estimate issued by company name String
MYCOMPANY Estimate issued by company ID and name String
TITLE Estimate name String
STATUS_ID Status ID String
STATUS_NAME Status name String
STATUS Status String
CLOSED Closed String
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount Number
TAX_VALUE Tax Number
CURRENCY_ID Currency String
OPPORTUNITY_ACCOUNT Amount in reporting currency Number
TAX_VALUE_ACCOUNT Tax in reporting currency Number
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_ID Reporting currency String
COMMENTS Comments String
BEGINDATE Date estimate opened Date and time
CLOSEDATE Date estimate closed Date and time
QUOTE_NUMBER Estimate number String
CONTENT Estimate text String
TERMS Conditions String
LOCATION_ID Location Number
UTM_SOURCE Ad source, utm_source in the estimate form String
UTM_MEDIUM Ad medium, utm_medium in the estimate form String
UTM_CAMPAIGN Ad campaign, utm_campaign in the estimate form String
UTM_CONTENT Ad content, utm_content in the estimate form String
UTM_TERM Ad term, utm_term in the estimate form String

Estimate: products — crm_quote_product_row

Field Description Field type
ID Record ID Number
QUOTE_ID Estimate ID Number
QUOTE_DATE_CREATE Date estimate created Date
QUOTE_CLOSEDATE Date estimate closed Date
PRODUCT Product name and ID String
PRODUCT_ID Product ID Number
PRODUCT_NAME Product name String
PRICE Product price Number
PRICE_EXCLUSIVE Discounted price without tax Number
PRICE_NETTO Price without discount or tax Number
PRICE_BRUTTO Price with tax, but without discount Number
QUANTITY Product quantity Number
DISCOUNT_TYPE Discount name and ID String
DISCOUNT_TYPE_NAME Discount name String
DISCOUNT_RATE Discount percentage value Number
DISCOUNT_SUM Discount amount Number
TAX_RATE Tax percentage rate Number
TAX_INCLUDED Shows whether tax is included in price ("Y") or not ("N") String
CUSTOMIZED Shows whether the product was modified manually ("Y") or not ("N") String
MEASURE Unit of measurement ID and name String
MEASURE_CODE Unit of measurement ID Number
MEASURE_NAME Unit of measurement name String
SORT Sorting order Number
PARENT Product section String
SUPERPARENT Parent product section String
SUPERSUPERPARENT Parent of parent product section String


Tasks — task

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
TITLE Task name String
DESCRIPTION Task description String
MARK Task rating: positive, negative, or not rated String
PRIORITY Task priority: low, normal, or high String
STATUS Task statuses: Pending, In progress, Pending review, Completed, Deferred String
GROUP_ID ID of the project to which the task is linked Number
GROUP_NAME Name of the project to which the task is linked String
GROUP_INFO ID and name of the project to which the task is linked String
MULTITASK Shows whether the task has multiple assignees ("Y") or not ("N") String
STAGE_ID ID of the task stage Number
STAGE_NAME Name of the task stage String
STAGE ID and name of the task stage String
CREATED_BY_ID Task creator ID Number
CREATED_BY_NAME Task creator name String
CREATED_BY Task creator ID and name String
CREATED_DATE Task creation date Date
RESPONSIBLE_NAME Assignee name String
RESPONSIBLE Assignee ID and name String
ACCOMPLICES_IDS Participant IDs String
ACCOMPLICES_NAMES Participant names String
ACCOMPLICES Participant names and IDs String
AUDITORS_IDS Observer IDs String
AUDITORS_NAMES Observer names String
AUDITORS Observer names and IDs String
PARENT_ID Parent task ID Number
CHANGED_BY_ID ID of the user who last updated the task Number
CHANGED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last updated the task String
CHANGED_BY ID and name of the user who last updated the task String
CHANGED_DATE Task change date and time Date
STATUS_CHANGED_BY_ID ID of the user who last updated the task status Number
STATUS_CHANGED_BY_NAME Name of the user who last updated the task status String
STATUS_CHANGED_BY ID and name of the user who last updated the task status String
STATUS_CHANGED_DATE Date and time when the task status was last modified Date
CLOSED_BY_ID ID of the user who closed the task Number
CLOSED_BY_NAME Name of the user who closed the task String
CLOSED_BY ID and name of the user who closed the task String
CLOSED_DATE Task closing date and time Date
ACTIVITY_DATE Last event date Date
DATE_START Task start date Date
DEADLINE Task deadline Date
START_DATE_PLAN Planned start date Date
END_DATE_PLAN Planned closing date Date
ALLOW_CHANGE_DEADLINE Shows whether the assignee can change task deadline ("Y") or not ("N") String
ALLOW_TIME_TRACKING Shows whether task time tracking is enabled ("Y") or not ("N") String
TASK_CONTROL Shows whether task result must be approved with a status summary ("Y") or not ("N") String
ADD_IN_REPORT Shows whether the task is added to work day report ("Y") or not ("N") String
TIME_ESTIMATE Task time estimate in seconds Number
MATCH_WORK_TIME Shows whether to extend task time if it falls on weekends or holidays ("Y") or not ("N") String
DURATION_PLAN Planned task duration in seconds Number
DURATION_TYPE Unit of task duration: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year String
CRM_TASK ID and type of CRM item as specified in the task: L (lead), D (deal), C (contact), CO (company) String
TAGS Tags in the task String
DEPENDS_ON Dependent task IDs Number
TIME_SPENT_IN_LOGS The time the task took to complete, including the value from the log events Number
COMMENTS_COUNT Comment count Number
FLOW_ID Flow ID Number

Task stages — task_stages

Field Description Field type
ID Stage ID Number
TITLE Stage name String
SORT Stage sort order Number
COLOR Stage color String
GROUP_ID ID of the project to which the task is linked Number
GROUP_NAME Name of the project to which the task is linked String
GROUP_INFO ID and name of the project to which the task is linked String

Tasks: custom fields — task_uf

Field Description Field type
TASK_ID Task ID Number
UF_CRM_TASK CRM entity names as specified in the task String
UF_MAIL_MESSAGE ID of the email message the task was based on String

Task duration until completed — task_elapsed_time

Field Description Field type
ID Unique key Number
TASK_ID Task ID Number
USER_ID ID of the user who created the entry Number
USER_NAME Name of the user who created the entry String
USER ID and name of the user who created the entry String
DATE_START Task start date Date
ELAPSED_TIME Task duration until completed in seconds Number

Flows — flow

Field Description Field type
ID Flow ID Number
NAME Flow name String
ID_NAME Flow ID and name String
CREATOR_ID ID of the user that created the flow Number
CREATOR_NAME Name of the user that created the flow String
CREATOR_ID_NAME ID and name of the user that created the flow String
OWNER_ID Flow administrator ID Number
OWNER_NAME Flow administrator name String
OWNER_ID_NAME Flow administrator ID and name String
PLANNED_COMPLETION_TIME Planned task time in seconds Number
DISTRIBUTION_TYPE Task distribution mode used by the flow: "Use queue", "Assign manually" or "Self-assign tasks" String
HAS_TEMPLATE Shows whether this flow specifies a task template ("Y") or not ("N") String
ACTIVE Shows whether the flow is active ("Y") or not ("N") String
GROUP_ID ID of the project the flow belongs to Number
GROUP_NAME Name of the project the flow belongs to String
GROUP_ID_NAME ID and name of the project the flow belongs to String
TASKS_IDS IDs of all tasks added to the flow String

Task efficiency — task_efficiency

Field Description Data type
ID Event ID Number
TASK_ID Task ID associated with the event Number
DATETIME Event creation date and time Date
DATETIME_REPAIR Date and time deadline was moved for overdue task Date
IS_VIOLATION Shows whether the recorded event was a deadline ("Y") or not ("N") String

Add account data

Ad data sources — tracking_source

Field Description Data type
ID Source ID Number
NAME Source name String
UTM_SOURCE_LIST List of utm_source parameters String array

Ad cost statistics — tracking_source_expenses

Field Description Data type
SOURCE_ID Source ID Number
EXPENSES Expenses per day Fractional number
CURRENCY Currency String
DATE Date Date
CAMPAIGN_NAME Advertising campaign name String
CAMPAIGN_ID Advertising campaign ID String
CLICKS Number of clicks Number
IMPRESSIONS Number of impressions Number
ACTIONS Number of actions Number
CPM Cost per thousand impressions Fractional number
CPC Cost per click Fractional number

Company structure

Company structure — org_structure

Field Description Data type
ID Department ID in the company structure Number
ACTIVE Shows whether the department is active ("Y") or not ("N") String
NAME Department name String
ID_NAME Department ID and name String
TYPE Type in the structure: DEPARTMENT - department, COMPANY - company, TEAM - cross-functional team String
PARENT_ID Parent department ID Number
ID_PARENT_NAME Parent department ID and name String
HEAD_ID Department supervisors' IDs String

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