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Description of datasets and fields for BI Builder

The dataset contains information on leads, deals, custom fields, companies, and other Bitrix24 entities. Use this data in BI Builder, Power BI, and Looker Studio to build new reports or add necessary information to the existing ones.

Find all available datasets and descriptions of their fields below.


Deals — crm_deal

Field Description
ID Unique key, number
DATE_CREATE Deal creation time
DATE_MODIFY Deal change time
CREATED_BY_ID Creator ID, number
CREATED_BY Creator, string, ID and name of the user who created the deal
MODIFY_BY_ID Editor ID, number
MODIFIED_BY Editor, string, ID and name of the user who made the last change
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person ID, number
ASSIGNED_BY Responsible person, string, ID and name of the user responsible for the deal
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Department of the responsible person, string ("[1] Company24 / [7] IT department"), department position in the hierarchy of the company structure
OPENED Available to everyone, string ("Y"|"N"), shows whether the deal is available to all employees or not according to access permissions in CRM.
LEAD_ID Lead ID, number. It appears only when converting a lead into a deal.
COMPANY_ID Company ID, number. It is just a linked company, not the result of conversion.
COMPANY Company, string, ID and company name
CONTACT_ID Contact ID, outdated, number. It is just a linked contact, not the result of conversion.
CONTACT Contact, string, ID and contact name
TITLE Deal name, string
CRM_PRODUCT Product from CRM (one or multiple), string, ID and product name
CATEGORY Deal pipeline, string, ID and name
STAGE_ID Stage ID, string
STAGE Stage, string, ID and stage name
STAGE_SEMANTIC_ID Status type identifier, string: "F": "(failed) - processed unsuccessfully", "S": "(success) - processed successfully", "P": "(processing) - deal in progress"
STAGE_SEMANTIC Status type, string, semantic type description, for example, "Success", "Failure", "In progress"
IS_NEW New deal, string ("Y"|"N"), the deal is in the first stage of the funnel
IS_RECURRING Recurring deal, string "Y"|"N"
IS_RETURN_CUSTOMER Returning customer (repeat inquiry), string ("Y"|"N")
CLOSED Closed, string ("Y"|"N"), if a deal moves to a final stage
TYPE_ID Deal type, string, deal type, for example, "SALE"
OPPORTUNITY Expected deal amount, number
IS_MANUAL_OPPORTUNITY Expected deal amount entered manually, string "Y"|"N"
TAX_VALUE Tax, number
CURRENCY_ID Currency, string ("USD")
OPPORTUNITY_ACCOUNT Deal amount in reporting currency, number
TAX_VALUE_ACCOUNT Tax in reporting currency, number
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_ID Reporting currency, string
PROBABILITY Probability, number (23, 57, 12), success probability (scoring)
COMMENTS Comments, string
BEGINDATE By default, it's the deal creation date. You can edit it in Bitrix24.
CLOSEDATE By default, it's the date set 7 days after the deal creation date. It is replaced by the current date when moving a deal to a final stage.
LOCATION_ID Customer location, number
SOURCE_ID Source ID, string
SOURCE Source, string, ID and source name ("[STORE] Online store")
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description, string, useful for the source chart
ORIGINATOR_ID External system, string ("email-tracker", "other")
ORIGIN_ID External ID, string
ADDITIONAL_INFO Additional information, string
UTM_SOURCE Advertising source, string
UTM_MEDIUM Advertising medium, string
UTM_CAMPAIGN Advertising campaign, string
UTM_CONTENT Advertising content, string
UTM_TERM Advertising term, string
BANK_DETAIL_ID Bank details ID, string
CRM_PRODUCT_ID Identifiers of products from CRM
CRM_PRODUCT_COUNT Quantity of products from CRM
WEBFORM_ID CRM form identifier
WEBFORM CRM form ID and name
MOVED_BY_ID Identifier of the user who changed the deal stage
MOVED_BY_NAME Name of the user who changed the deal stage
MOVED_BY ID and name of the user who changed the deal stage
MOVED_TIME Stage change time

Custom fields of deals — crm_deal_uf

All custom fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description
DEAL_ID Deal ID, number
DATE_CREATE Creation time, date-time
UF_CRM_123456789 Field name, different types
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24

Deal history — crm_deal_stage_history

Field Description
ID Unique key, number, unique identifier of the record
TYPE_ID Record type, number, can take values: 1 - entity creation, 2 - transfer to the intermediate stage, 3 - transfer to the final stage
DEAL_ID Deal ID, number, identifier of the entity in which the stage has changed; in this case, the deal ID
DATE_CREATE Creation time, date-time, date and time of getting on the stage
START_DATE Start date, date-time. The values of the crm_deal_stage_history.START_DATE and crm_deal.BEGINDATE fields are equal.
END_DATE End date, date-time. The values of the crm_deal_stage_history.END_DATE and crm_deal.CLOSEDATE fields are equal.
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person ID, number, ID of the person responsible for the deal
ASSIGNED_BY Responsible person, string, ID and name of the responsible person of the deal
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Department of the responsible person, string ("[1] Company24 / [7] IT department"), department position in the hierarchy of the company structure
STAGE_SEMANTIC_ID Stage type identifier, string: "F": "(failed) - processed unsuccessfully", "S": "(success) - processed successfully", "P": "(processing) - deal in processing"
STAGE_SEMANTIC Stage type, string, "Failure", "Success", "In Progress"
STAGE_ID Stage type, string, "Failure", "Success", "In Progress"
STAGE Stage, string, ID and name of the stage in the format "[NEW] New"
CATEGORY_ID Deal pipeline ID
CATEGORY_NAME Deal pipeline name
CATEGORY Deal pipeline

Products in deal — crm_deal_product_row

Field Description
ID Unique key, number
DEAL_ID Deal ID. A product can be added to a lead or deal, and the product price or other fields may be changed. This field allows you to join data from the deals table and the deal products table.
DEAL_DATE_CREATE Deal creation time, date-time
DEAL_CLOSEDATE Deal completion time, date-time
PRODUCT Product, string, ID and name of the product or service
PRODUCT_ID Product ID, number, ID of the product or service in CRM catalog
PRODUCT_NAME Product name, string, name of the product or service in CRM catalog
PRICE Product price
PRICE_EXCLUSIVE Discounted price, without tax
PRICE_NETTO Price without discount and tax
PRICE_BRUTTO Price including tax, without discount
QUANTITY Product quantity
DISCOUNT_TYPE Discount, string, ID and name of the discount type
DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID Discount ID, number, ID of the discount type
DISCOUNT_TYPE_NAME Discount name, string, name of the discount type
DISCOUNT_RATE Discount rate
DISCOUNT_SUM Discount amount
TAX_RATE Tax percentage rate
TAX_INCLUDED Tax included in price, "Y"|"N" string
CUSTOMIZED "Y"|"N" string, the product was edited after adding it to deal
MEASURE Unit of measurement, string, ID and name of the unit of measurement
MEASURE_CODE ID of the unit of measurement, number
MEASURE_NAME Name of the unit of measurement, string
SORT Sorting order, number


Leads — crm_lead

Field Description
ID Number, unique identifier of record
DATE_MODIFY Time of change, date-time
DATE_CREATE Creation time, date-time
CREATED_BY_ID Creator ID, number, ID of the user who created the lead
CREATED_BY Creator, string, ID and name of the user who created the lead
MODIFY_BY_ID Editor identifier, number, ID of the last change author
MODIFIED_BY Editor, string, ID and name of the user who made the last changes in the item
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person ID, number
ASSIGNED_BY Responsible person, string, ID name of the responsible person
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Department of the responsible person, string ("[1] Company24 / [7] IT department"), department position in the hierarchy of the company structure
OPENED Available to everyone, string ("Y"|"N"), shows whether the lead is available to all employees or not according to access permissions in CRM.
COMPANY_ID Company ID, number
COMPANY Company, string, ID and name of the company
CONTACT_ID Contact ID, number
CONTACT Contact, string, ID and name of the contact
STATUS_ID Status ID in the funnel, string
STATUS Status, string, ID and name of the status "[NEW]" type
STATUS_DESCRIPTION Status description (reasons for moving to the status), string
STATUS_SEMANTIC_ID Status type identifier, string: "F": "(failed) - processed unsuccessfully", "S": "(success) - processed successfully", "P": "(processing) - lead in processing"
STATUS_SEMANTIC Status type, string ("Success", "Failure")
CRM_PRODUCT Product from CRM, string
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount, number
CURRENCY_ID Currency, string
SOURCE_ID Source ID, string
SOURCE Source, string, source ID and name ("[STORE] Online Store")
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description, string
TITLE Title, string
FULL_NAME Full name, string
NAME Name, string
LAST_NAME Last name, string
SECOND_NAME Second name, string
COMPANY_TITLE Company name, string
POST Position, string
ADDRESS_1 Address 1, string
ADDRESS_2 Address 2, string
ADDRESS_CITY City, string
ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Postal code, number
ADDRESS_REGION Region, string
ADDRESS_PROVINCE Province, string
ADDRESS_COUNTRY Country, string
ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country code, ISO code, string
COMMENTS Comments, string
ORIGINATOR_ID External system, string ("email-tracker", "other")
ORIGIN_ID External ID, string
DATE_CLOSED Closing time, date-time
BIRTHDATE Date of birth, date
HONORIFIC Salutation, string
UTM_SOURCE Advertising source, string
UTM_MEDIUM Advertising medium, string
UTM_CAMPAIGN Advertising campaign, string
UTM_CONTENT Advertising content, string
UTM_TERM Advertising term, string
PHONE Phone, string, multiple
WEB URL, string, multiple
EMAIL Email, string, multiple
IM Messengers, string, multiple
CRM_PRODUCT_NAME Product name in CRM
CRM_PRODUCT_COUNT Number of products in CRM
IS_RETURN_CUSTOMER Repeat inquiry, string ("Y", "N")

Custom fields of leads — crm_lead_uf

All custom fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description
LEAD_ID Lead ID, number
DATE_MODIFY Time of change, date-time
UF_CRM_123456789 Field name, different types
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24

Lead history — crm_lead_status_history

Field Description
ID Unique key, number, unique identifier of the record
TYPE_ID Record type, number, can take values: 1 - entity creation, 2 - transfer to the intermediate stage, 3 - transfer to the final stage
LEAD_ID Lead ID, number, identifier of the entity in which the stage has changed; in this case, the lead ID
DATE_CREATE Creation time, date-time, date and time of hitting the stage
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Identifier of the responsible person, number, ID of the responsible person for the lead, stages filter
ASSIGNED_BY Responsible person, string, ID and name of the responsible person for the lead
ASSIGNED_BY_DEPARTMENT Department of the responsible person, string ("[1] Company24 / [7] IT department"), department position in the hierarchy of the company structure
STATUS_SEMANTIC_ID Status type identifier, string: "F": "(failed) - processed unsuccessfully", "S": "(success) - processed successfully", "P": "(processing) - lead in processing"
STATUS_SEMANTIC Status type, string, "Failure", "Success"
STATUS_ID Status identifier, string
STATUS Status, string, ID and name of the status in the format "[NEW] New"

Products in lead — crm_lead_product_row

Field Description
ID Unique key, number
LEAD_ID Lead ID. A product can be added to a lead or deal, and the product price or other fields may be changed. This field allows you to join data from the leads table and the lead products table.
LEAD_DATE_MODIFY Lead change time, date-time
LEAD_DATE_CREATE Lead creation time, date-time
LEAD_DATE_CLOSED Lead completion time, date-time
PRODUCT Product, string, ID and name of the product or service
PRODUCT_ID Product ID, number, ID of the product or service in CRM catalog
PRODUCT_NAME Product name, string, name of the product or service in CRM catalog
PRICE Product price
PRICE_EXCLUSIVE Discounted price, without tax
PRICE_NETTO Price without discount and tax
PRICE_BRUTTO Price including tax, without discount
QUANTITY Product quantity
DISCOUNT_TYPE Discount, string, ID and name of the discount type
DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID Discount ID, number, ID of the discount type
DISCOUNT_TYPE_NAME Discount name, string, name of the discount type
DISCOUNT_RATE Discount rate
DISCOUNT_SUM Discount amount
TAX_RATE Tax percentage rate
TAX_INCLUDED Tax included in price, "Y"|"N" string
CUSTOMIZED "Y"|"N" string, the product was edited after adding it to lead
MEASURE Unit of measurement, string, ID and name of the unit of measurement
MEASURE_CODE ID of the unit of measurement, number
MEASURE_NAME Name of the unit of measurement, string
SORT Sorting order, number

SPAs and activities

SPAs — crm_dynamic_items_123

Each SPA (Smart Process Automation) is a separate dataset. It contains its own fields and columns. You need to find the SPA type ID to use its data in reports.
Where to find the SPA ID

All custom SPA fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description
ID Unique key, number
XML_ID External ID, string
TITLE SPA name, string
CREATED_BY Creator, string, ID and name of the user who created the SPA item
CREATED_BY_ID Creator ID, number
CREATED_BY_NAME Creator, string, the name of the user who created the SPA item
UPDATED_BY Editor, string, ID and name of the author who made the last change
UPDATED_BY_ID Editor ID, number
UPDATED_BY_NAME Editor, string, the name of the author who made the last change
MOVED_BY Editor, string, ID and name of the user who changed the stage
MOVED_BY_ID Editor, number, ID of the user who changed the stage
MOVED_BY_NAME Editor, string, name of the user who changed the stage
CREATED_TIME Creation time, date-time
UPDATED_TIME The last update time, date-time
MOVED_TIME The last time the stage was changed, date-time
CATEGORY Pipeline, string, ID and name of the pipeline
CATEGORY_ID Pipeline ID, number
CATEGORY_NAME Pipeline name, string
OPENED Available to everyone, string ("Y"|"N"), shows whether the SPA is available to all employees or not according to access permissions in CRM.
STAGE Stage, string, ID and stage name
STAGE_ID Stage ID, string
STAGE_NAME Stage name, string
PREVIOUS_STAGE_ID ID of the previous stage, string
BEGINDATE Start date, date
CLOSEDATE Completion date, date
COMPANY Company, string, ID and name of the company
COMPANY_ID Company ID, number
COMPANY_NAME Company name, string
CONTACT Contact, string, ID and name of the contact
CONTACT_ID Contact ID, number
CONTACT_NAME Contact name, string
OPPORTUNITY Expected amount, floating-point number
IS_MANUAL_OPPORTUNITY Expected amount is entered manually, string ("Y"|"N")
TAX_VALUE Tax, floating-point number
CURRENCY_ID Currency, string "USD"
OPPORTUNITY_ACCOUNT Amount in reporting currency, floating-point number
TAX_VALUE_ACCOUNT Tax in reporting currency, floating-point number
ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_ID Reporting currency, string "USD"
MYCOMPANY My company, string, ID and name of my company
MYCOMPANY_ID My company ID, number
MYCOMPANY_NAME My company name, string
SOURCE Source, string, ID and name of the source ("[STORE] Online store")
SOURCE_ID Source ID, number
SOURCE_NAME Source name, string
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description, string
ASSIGNED_BY Responsible person, string, ID and name of the responsible person
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person ID, number
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Responsible person name, string
WEBFORM_ID CRM form ID, number, identifier of the CRM form from which the SPA was created
UF_CRM_123456789 Field name, different types
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24

Activity — crm_activity

Field Description
ID Unique key, acivity identifier
SUBJECT The name of the activity, for example, Contact customer
ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID Account entity ID, the identifier of the associated entity in Bitrix24. For example, tasks.
TYPE_ID Activity type ID: 1 - meeting, 2 - call, 3 - task, 4 - email, 6 - custom actions which include new tasks, chats, deliveries, SMS messages, etc.
TYPE_NAME Activity type name: "Meeting", "Call"
OWNER_ID CRM entity ID, identifier of the CRM entity to which the activity is linked
OWNER_TYPE_ID CRM entity type code: 1 - lead, 2 - deal, 3 - contact
OWNER_TYPE_NAME Entity type name. For example, OWNER_ID = 123 and OWNER_TYPE_ID = 2 means that the activity is linked to the deal with ID = 123
PRIORITY_ID Priority code, number: 1 - low, 2 – normal, 3 – high
PRIORITY_NAME Priority level, string
DIRECTION_ID Direction ID, number
DIRECTION_NAME Direction name, string
STATUS_ID Status code: 1 - pending, 2 - completed, 3 - completed automatically
STATUS_NAME Status name
COMPLETED Completed, "Y"|"N" string, activity is completed
DATE_CREATE Activity creation time, date-time
START_TIME Activity start time
END_TIME Activity completion time
DEADLINE Deadline, date-time, the field is not set directly; the value is taken from START_TIME for call and meeting and from END_TIME for task
DATE_MODIFY Last change time
AUTHOR Creator, string, activity creator name
AUTHOR_ID Creator ID, number, activity creator identifier
AUTHOR_NAME Creator name, string, activity creator name
EDITOR Editor (the user who changed the activity)
EDITOR_NAME Editor name
RESPONSIBLE Responsible person ID and name
RESPONSIBLE_ID Responsible person ID
RESPONSIBLE_NAME Responsible person name
DESCRIPTION Description, string
DESCRIPTION_TYPE_ID Description type code, number
DESCRIPTION_TYPE_NAME Description type, string
ORIGINATOR_ID Data source ID, string, used only to link to an external source
ORIGIN_ID Element ID in the dataset, string, used only to link to an external source


Companies — crm_company

Field Description
ADDRESS_1 Address 1, string
ADDRESS_2 Address 2, string
ADDRESS_CITY City, string
ADDRESS_COUNTRY Country, string
ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country code, ISO code, string
ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Postal code, number
ADDRESS_PROVINCE Province, string
ADDRESS_REGION Region, string
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person ID, number
ASSIGNED_BY Responsible person, string, ID and name of the responsible person
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Responsible person name, string
BANKING_DETAILS Banking details, string
COMMENTS Comments, string
COMPANY_TYPE Company type, string, ID and name of the type of company
COMPANY_TYPE_ID Company type ID, string
COMPANY_TYPE_NAME Company type name, string
CREATED_BY_ID Creator ID, number
CREATED_BY Creator, string, ID and name of the creator
CREATED_BY_NAME Creator name, string
CURRENCY_ID Currency, string
DATE_CREATE Creation time, date-time
DATE_MODIFY Time of change, date-time
EMAIL Email, string, multiple
EMPLOYESS Number of employees, string, e.g., "250-500". The value is taken from the selection list (CRM settings > Statuses and Dropdowns).
ID Unique key, number
IM Messengers, string, multiple
INDUSTRY Industry, string, ID and industry name
INDUSTRY_ID Industry ID, string
INDUSTRY_NAME Industry name, string
IS_MY_COMPANY My company, string
LEAD_ID Lead ID, number, ID of the lead linked to company
MODIFIED_BY Editor, string, ID and name of the last change author
MODIFY_BY_ID Editor identifier, number, last change author identifier
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Editor name, string
OPENED Available to everyone, string
ORIGINATOR_ID External system, string
ORIGIN_ID External identifier, string, used to bind to an external source
ORIGIN_VERSION Original version, string, used to protect data from accidental overwrite by an external system
PHONE Phone number, string, multiple
REVENUE Annual revenue, floating point number
TITLE Company title, string
UTM_CAMPAIGN Advertising campaign, string
UTM_CONTENT Advertising content, string
UTM_MEDIUM Advertising medium, string, "CPC (ads)", "CPM (banners)"
UTM_SOURCE Advertising source, string, Google-Adwords, etc.
UTM_TERM Advertising term, string, for example, contextual advertising keywords
WEB URL, string, multiple

Custom fields of companies — crm_company_uf

All custom fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description
COMPANY_ID Company ID, number
DATE_CREATE Creation time, date-time
UF_CRM_123456789 Field name, different types
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24


Contacts — crm_contact

Field Description
ADDRESS_1 Address 1, string
ADDRESS_2 Address 2, string
ADDRESS_CITY City, string
ADDRESS_COUNTRY Country, string
ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE Country code, ISO code, string
ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Postal code, number
ADDRESS_PROVINCE Province, string
ADDRESS_REGION Region, string
ASSIGNED_BY_ID Responsible person ID, number
ASSIGNED_BY Responsible person, string, ID and name of the responsible person
ASSIGNED_BY_NAME Responsible person name, string
BIRTHDATE Date of birth, date-time
COMMENTS Comments, string
COMPANY_ID Company ID, number, contact linked to the company (first in the list)
CREATED_BY_ID Creator ID, number
CREATED_BY Creator, string, ID and name of the creator
CREATED_BY_NAME Creator name, string
CURRENCY_ID Currency, string
DATE_CREATE Creation time, date-time
DATE_MODIFY Time of change, date-time
EMAIL Email address, string, multiple
EXPORT Included in export, string, shows whether the contact can be exported. If the value is "N", the contact cannot be exported from CRM.
FACE_ID Face ID, number
HONORIFIC Salutation code, string, e.g., "HNR_EN_1"
ID Unique key, number
IM Messengers, string, multiple
LEAD_ID Lead ID, number, identifier of the lead linked with the contact
MODIFIED_BY Editor, string, ID and name of the last change author
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Editor name, string
MODIFY_BY_ID Editor identifier, number
NAME Name, string
SECOND_NAME Second name, string
LAST_NAME Last name, string
OPENED Available to everyone, "Y"|"N" string
ORIGINATOR_ID External system, string
ORIGIN_ID The external identifier, string, used to bind to an external source
ORIGIN_VERSION Original version, string, used to protect data from accidental overwrite by external system
PHONE Phone number, string, multiple
POST Position, string
SOURCE_DESCRIPTION Source description, string
SOURCE_ID Source ID, string, "CALL", "EMAIL" and other values from the selection list
TYPE_ID Type ID, string, "CLIENT" and other values from the selection list
UTM_CAMPAIGN Advertising campaign, string
UTM_CONTENT Advertising content, string
UTM_MEDIUM Advertising medium, string, "CPC (ads)", "CPM (banners)"
UTM_SOURCE Advertising source, string, Google-Adwords, etc.
UTM_TERM Advertising term, string, for example, contextual advertising keywords
WEB URL, string, multiple

Custom fields of contacts — crm_contact_uf

All custom fields are automatically added to the dataset. Their number depends on the number of fields in Bitrix24. The field name is assigned during creation in the format UF_CRM_123456789.

Field Description
CONTACT_ID Contact ID, number
DATE_CREATE Creation time, date-time
UF_CRM_123456789 Field name, different types
UF_CRM_* Other custom fields from Bitrix24

Users, projects, and calls

Users — user

Field Description
ID Unique key, number
ACTIVE Active, string ("Y"|"N"), "Y" - the user works, "N" - the user is dismissed.
NAME User's name, string
DEPARTMENT User's department in the company structure

Project — socialnetwork_group

Field Description
ID Unique key, project or workgroup identifier
SITE_ID Site code, string
NAME Project or workgroup name
DESCRIPTION Project or workgroup description
PROJECT Project, "Y"|"N" string
DATE_CREATE Creation time
DATE_MODIFY Time of change, time of the last change of project or workgroup parameters
OPENED Shows whether a workgroup or project is opened for free entry, "Y"|"N" string
CLOSED Archive group, "Y"|"N" string
SUBJECT Project or workgroup theme
OWNER Project or workgroup owner
OWNER_ID Project or workgroup owner ID
OWNER_NAME Owner name
KEYWORDS Project keywords or tags
NUMBER_OF_MEMBERS Number of participants
DATE_ACTIVITY Last activity time

Calls — telephony_call

Field Description
CALL_ID The unique call identifier, string
CALL_TYPE Type of call, number: 1 - outgoing call, 2 - incoming call, 3 - incoming call with redirection, 4 - callback.
CALL_VOTE Call evaluation, number
COMMENT Comment on the call, string
PORTAL_USER_ID Operator identifier, number
PORTAL_USER Operator, string, ID and name of the operator, e.g., "[12] Sam Smith"
PORTAL_USER_DEPARTMENT Operator department, string ("[1] Company24 / [7] IT department"), department position in the hierarchy of the company structure
PORTAL_NUMBER Operator number, string, account phone number linked with the call
PHONE_NUMBER Caller ID, string, customer phone number
CALL_DURATION Call duration, number, call duration in seconds
CALL_START_TIME Call start time, date-time
COST Call cost, floating point number
COST_CURRENCY Call currency, string, call currency: "USD", "EUR"
CALL_STATUS_CODE Call code, string
CALL_STATUS_REASON Call code description, string, extended call status code description: "Skipped call", "Success call", etc.
CRM_ACTIVITY_ID CRM activity ID, number, identifier of the CRM activity created from the call
CRM_ENTITY_ID CRM entity identifier, number, identifier of the CRM entity found by phone number, which can be a lead, a contact, or a company
CRM_ENTITY_TYPE CRM entity type, string, CRM entity type that has a "CRM_ENTITY_ID" identifier, e.g., "CONTACT".
REST_APP_ID Application identifier, number, identifier of the external telephony integration application
REST_APP_NAME Application name, string, external telephony integration application name
REDIAL_ATTEMPT Number of attempted calls, number, number of callbacks
TRANSCRIPT_ID Call transcript identifier, number, call transcript identifier
TRANSCRIPT_PENDING Transcript readiness, "Y"|"N" string, indicates that the transcript will be received later
RECORD_FILE_ID Identifier of the file with the record, number
CALL_STATUS_CODE_ID Call code ID, string


Workflow tasks — bizproc_task

Field Description
ID Unique key
CODE_ID Identifier of the task type
CODE_NAME Name of the task type
CODE Task type
WORKFLOW_ID Workflow ID and parent workflow ID
NAME Task name
CREATED_DATE Task creation date and time
MODIFIED Task modification date and time
DURATION Time spent on completing the workflow task
APPROVE_TYPE Approval type ID
APPROVE_TYPE_NAME Approval type name
STATUS_ID Status identifier
STATUS_NAME Name of the task execution status
STATUS ID and name of the task execution status
USER_ID Identifier of the user involved in task
USER_NAME Name of the user involved in task
USER ID and name of the user involved in task

Running workflows — bizproc_workflow

Field Description
ID Unique key
STARTED_BY_ID Identifier of the user who ran the workflow
STARTED_BY_NAME Name of the user who ran the workflow
STARTED_BY Name and ID of the user who ran the workflow
STARTED Start date and time
COMPLETED Completion status, "Y" - completed, "N" - running
DURATION Time spent on workflow execution in seconds
START_DURATION Time spent on starting the workflow
MODULE_ID_NAME Module name
ENTITY_ID Entity type ID
ENTITY_ID_NAME Entity type name
MODIFIED_BY_ID Identifier of the user who edited the template
MODIFIED_BY_NAME Name of the user who edited the template
MODIFIED_BY Name and ID of the user who edited the template

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