
Allocate access permissions to Inventory management

Companies keep inventory records to know what products, in what quantities, and for what amount are available. If you keep proper records, customers receive orders on time, business develops, and sales grow.

When the business expands and the number of warehouses increases, it becomes difficult to control the work of managers and warehouse employees. In Bitrix24, you can configure access permissions to Inventory management features to separate the areas of responsibility, reduce the risk of accidental document editing, and prevent leaks of information on purchase prices.

How to configure access permissions if you have several warehouses

Go to the Inventory management section - Settings - Access permissions.

Create separate roles for employees working in the warehouse.

We only need employees to be able to receive and write off products in certain warehouses. So we included the following access permissions for the roles:

  • View product catalog.

  • View Inventory Management area.

  • For stock receipt, stock adjustment, and write-off documents: view, create and edit, process inventory objects.

Access permissions to Inventory management

Configure the View and select the warehouse access permission. We will set access only to the warehouse where the employee works.

After that, employees will not be able to edit documents they do not have access to and when they create new ones, they will not be able to choose a different warehouse by mistake.

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