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Bitrix24 Drive: FAQ

Find answers to the most popular questions about Bitrix24 Drive in this article.

What is Bitrix24 Drive used for?

Organize collective work on documents using Company Drive.
Company Drive overview

Store personal files for each employee in the My Drive section.
My Drive overview

Sync Bitrix24 Drive with your computer to work on files at any time.
Synchronize Bitrix24 Drive with your computer via desktop app

Also, you can connect Bitrix24 Drive as a network drive on Windows for automatic file syncing.
Connect Bitrix24 Drive as a network drive on Windows

Can I track the history of file changes in Bitrix24 Drive?

You can check the history of changes of each file using the Revision history option. However, there is no section to see the common history of changes on Bitrix24 Drive.
File version storage

How do I clean the storage space?

Go to Subscription > My Bitrix24 Plan > Cloud Storage section to see used and available space.

Can I connect external cloud storage to Bitrix24?

This option is not available in Bitrix24. However, you can upload files from external drives to Bitrix24.
Add files from cloud storage to Bitrix24

How long are files stored in Bitrix24 Drive Recycle Bin?

Deleted files are stored in the Recycle Bin for 30 days and then permanently deleted. This applies to all Bitrix24 plans.

Can I move files from My Drive to Company Drive?

Moving files and folders between My Drive and Company Drive is not possible. You can only move files within Company Drive or connect them to your personal Drive.

Can I upload several folders to Bitrix24 Drive at once?

This option is not available. Create a folder in Bitrix24 Drive, open it, and then upload the needed files.

Can I synchronize Bitrix24 Drive with my computer?

Yes, you can do that using the Bitrix24 desktop app.
Synchronize Bitrix24 Drive with your computer via desktop app

Can I synchronize Bitrix24 Drive with both work and home computers?

Yes. If you log in to the desktop app on different devices, the files will be synchronized between them.

How can I restrict users from downloading files from Bitrix24 Drive?

You cannot prevent users from downloading files they have access to. Even with the Read access level, they can download the file.

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