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Feed in Bitrix24

Feed is a place for the sharing of information and internal communication in your company. It includes:

  • employees' posts
  • last updates in workgroups and projects that you are a member of
  • upcoming events
  • work reports
  • workflows in progress

Feed keeps users updated on their current activities, like messages, comments, files, task notifications, and more.


It is the most popular way to communicate in Feed. Compose a text or record a video. Then decide who will receive your message: all employees, a group of employees, or a specific employee.

See these topics to learn more:


Assign tasks to yourself and your team right from Feed. For example, after informing your employees of an important event, you can add a task to remind them to get ready for it. Or, you can use a special option to create such a task based on your Feed post.

See these topics to learn more:


If your company has a big event coming up, and you need to involve certain employees in its organization, you can create an event in Feed. An event creation form opens in a slider. Specify the event date and time, as well as its location and participants.

Learn how to add an event to calendar


In order to make a major decision, a company needs to know the opinion of its employees on a specific issue. Publish a post with a poll among all employees or specific departments and collect their votes.

Learn how to create a poll


Attach and publish files of any extension in Feed. Upload them from your Bitrix24.Drive or from your computer. Share files with colleagues and discuss all details in the comments section of the publication.

Learn more about viewing different files in Feed


These are special badges shown on the user's profile page. Use them to compliment or congratulate an employee.

Learn how to create appreciation messages in Feed


Sometimes you may need to draw your colleagues' attention to some vital information. Create an announcement message that has a special background and a mark on the reading. This message will also appear as a widget on the right if a user misses it in the Feed.

Learn how to create announcements in Feed


Initiate a workflow to request a vacation or forward a document to your colleague for approval. You will get system messages updating you on its status right in the Feed.

Learn more about workflows in Feed

Workflows in Feed are not connected with the workflows available in CRM and Company Drive.

Feed settings

Focus on important details by enabling special modes in Feed settings.

Smart follow mode. If this mode is enabled, you see the posts that are most valuable to you at the top of the feed. For example, when you are the author or recipient of the message, or someone mentions you in a comment.
Learn more about the Smart follow mode

Hide tasks. This mode allows you to hide task notifications from the Feed. When it is enabled, you can manage tasks only from the Tasks section. Task notifications will appear in the notification center in this case.
Learn more about the Hide tasks mode

In brief

  • Feed is a place for the sharing of information and internal communication in your company.

  • In Feed, you can add messages, create tasks or events, run a poll or publish work reports.

  • Adjust Feed settings to display only important posts with the help of special modes.

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