
What to do if you have an issue with payment service integrations

We understand that encountering technical issues can be frustrating, especially when it comes to integrated payment systems. These issues can have a significant negative impact on your business operations. 

Rest assured, we prioritize resolving such issues and bugs promptly.

To help us resolve integration issues with payment services as quickly as possible, please follow these tips:

  1. Provide a detailed description of the issue you are facing to Bitrix24 support team. Be sure to include the name of the app and a public link to the app in the Bitrix24.Market web catalog (example).
  2. Share a test payment link that has not been used in any payment sessions yet. This will allow us to reproduce the issue step-by-step in debugging mode and track it down in the logs.
  3. If the issue only occurs in specific use cases, please provide details about the case that leads to the error. Share a short screencast to demonstrate the issue.

By following these guidelines, you will help us better understand and resolve the issue you are experiencing quickly and in the best way possible.

Bitrix24 provides technical support for in-built payment systems (such as PayPal) and apps developed by Bitrix24 Integrations only. Bitrix24 Integrations.jpg

If there is an issue with third-party or partner solution, make sure to address the developer first.

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