
Fill out documents in Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR

The bigger the company, the more participants are involved in the process of creating and signing documents. There are several roles in Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR:

  • Initiator starts the process of signing the document.

  • Field editor fills out the document and sends it to the company representative for signing.

  • Approver checks the document data, approves the document and sends it to the company representative for signing.

  • Company representative signs electronic HR documents on behalf of the company. After that, the employee signs the document.

Select field editor

When starting the signing process, the initiator selects the person to fill out the document. This should be done if not all fields in the document are filled out. The employee enters the data and checks that everything is correct.

If you do not select a field editor, the data will have to be entered by the company representative before signing the document.

The initiator can select any employee who has access to Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR. The field editor does not need to use electronic signature certificates at this stage.

Fill out the document

If the document should be filled out before signing, you will receive a message in Bitrix24 chat. Click the Review and complete button.

When a document is received, a counter will light up in the Pending my action section. It shows the number of documents to be filled in. Completed documents disappear from the list.

Enter the data and check the document. Then click Save and Continue. If there are errors in the document, cancel the signing process.

After filling out the data, the document will be sent to the company representative for signing.

In brief:

  • There are several roles in Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR: initiator, field editor, approver, and company representative.

  • When starting the signing process, the initiator selects the person to fill out the document. This should be done if not all fields in the document are filled out. The employee enters the data and checks that everything is correct.

  • If there are errors in the document, cancel the signing process.

  • After filling out the data, the document will be sent to the company representative for signing.

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