
Send documents for signing and cancel signing

Using Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR, you can create and send electronic HR documents to employees to sign.
Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR: Getting Started

This article will show you:

How to prepare a document for signing

Go to e-Signature for HR and click the Sign button. Select a document you have already uploaded or create a new one.

Make sure your document meets the necessary legal requirements.

Complete the fields:

  1. Select company. Pick the company that will be signing the document along with the employee.

  2. Electronic signature provider. By default, e-Signature for HR is specified as the provider.

  3. Select your signing party (company representative). This person could be the CEO or anyone else who has the authority to sign documents.

    It may be required by your applicable law to sign an agreement to deal electronically with your employee prior to initiating an electronic signature process.
  4. Approver. If the document needs to be checked and approved, select an approver.
    Approve a document using e-Signature for HR

  5. Field editor. If the document needs more information added, choose a field editor.
    Fill out documents in Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR

Choose the employees who need to sign the document and click Continue.

To add more details to the document, click Edit. Then use the editor blocks on the right:

  • Company and representative: This section lets you insert specific details or fields related to your company into the document. The system will get information about the company representative from their profile.

  • Employee: You can insert information from an employee's profile to the document. This could be their name, position, or address.

  • Common: Add any general text to the document, like the terms of the contract or a specific date.

To add the required information, place the cursor at the position in the document where you want to place the field and click Insert. Adjust its position and save the changes.

How to send a document for signing

Review the document details and click Submit for signing.

If sending to multiple employees, each will get their own copy to sign.

How to cancel the signing of a document

Only these people can stop the document signing:

  • The approver or field editor when filling out a document or approving it.

  • Your company representative during the signing.

  • The employee who initiated the signing or anyone with access to e-Signature for HR.

To cancel the signing, open the document form, find the Sign document activity on the right, click the three dots (...), and select Cancel signing. Then confirm your decision.

In brief

  • Using e-Signature for HR, you can create and send electronic HR documents to employees for them to sign.

  • To create a document for signature, go to e-Signature for HR and click the Sign button.

  • Complete the fields: Select company, Electronic signature provider, Select your signing party, Approver, Field editor, and Select employees.

  • To edit the document, use the editor blocks on the right: Company and representative, Employee, and Common.

  • If sending to multiple employees, each will get their own copy to sign.

  • You can cancel the signing process if needed. This can be done by the signing initiator, document approver, field editor, authorized employees, or company representative.

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