
Approve documents using e-Signature for HR

Before signing some HR documents, they might need approval. For example, you might have to confirm a bonus amount with the employee's supervisor. With e-Signature for HR, you can select a user to give this approval. This person will review the document and then send it to your company representative for signing.

It may be required by your applicable law to sign an agreement to deal electronically with your employee prior to initiating an electronic signature process.

How to choose who will approve a document

An employee who starts the signing process can assign an approver. They will receive the document after all the information in it is ready and requires a final check.
Send documents for signing

Any employee with access to e-Signature for HR can be selected as an approver.

If you need to approve a document without signing, use workflows in Bitrix24.
Workflows in Feed

How to approve a document

When it's time to check and approve a document, you will receive a message in the Bitrix24 chat. You can approve documents on the web and in the Bitrix24 mobile app.

Web version
Mobile app

Click Review and approve in the message.

When a document needs your approval, a counter will appear under e-Signature for HR > Pending my action. This counter shows how many documents you need to approve. Once you approve a document, it will disappear from the list.

Review the document. If everything is correct, approve it. If you find any mistakes, like incorrect personal information, you can cancel the signing process.

After you approve the document, it will be sent to other signing parties.

  1. Tap Review and approve in the message.
  2. If you need to see other involved users, tap View signing parties.
  3. Review and approve the document.

After you approve the document, it will be sent to other signing parties.

In brief

  • When starting the signing process, the initiator can select a document approver.

  • The approver reviews, approves, and sends the document to other signing parties.

  • If you find any mistakes, cancel the signing process.

  • You can approve documents on the web and in the Bitrix24 mobile app.

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