
Workflows: group actions in Bitrix24 mobile app

You can complete tasks in several workflows at once in Bitrix24 mobile application. Now you don't need to approve each workflow separately.

Open the Workflows section and select the workflows from the list. To select all workflows at once, click on the dots icon - Select All.

Workflows with one task type. If you select the workflows to be approved, you can complete tasks in all workflows at once. For example, you can approve all business trips.

Workflows with different types of tasks. Click Start. The first workflow in the list will be opened. Learn the information and complete the task.

When you complete a task in one workflow, you will see other workflows with the same type of task.

You can select:

  • Apply to all — the tasks will be automatically completed in all workflows at once.

  • Open one by one — the tasks should be completed one by one in each workflow.

  • Show similar workflows — the list of similar workflows will be opened. You can select all or several workflows and complete tasks in them.

If you need to enter data in a field when approving a workflow, the value of this field can be automatically filled in other similar workflows. Enter the value in the field, approve the workflow and apply the action to other workflows. If you need to enter different data, open the workflow forms one by one.

In brief:

  • You can complete tasks in several workflows at once in Bitrix24 mobile application. Now you don't need to approve each workflow separately.

  • Open the Workflows section and select the workflow from the list. To select all workflows at once, click on the dots icon - Select All.

  • If you select the workflows of the same types, you can perform tasks in all workflows at once.

  • If you need to complete different types of tasks, you can choose to perform the task in all workflows or open the workflow forms one by one and make a decision for each one separately.

  • If you need to enter data in a obligatory field when approving a workflow, the value of this field can be automatically filled in other similar workflows.
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