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Create a workgroup and a project

In Bitrix24, there are workgroups and projects. The main difference between them is the ability to set deadlines.

  • In a workgroup, you can discuss issues that affect a specific department or the entire company.
  • In a project, you can organize the work of the team. Link the project to tasks, set deadlines, assign responsible people and control the process.

A workgroup and a project can be created in the same way. We will tell you how to create a project.

Select a type

  1. Go to the Workgroups and projects section.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select the type — Project.
  4. Click Next.

Configure a project settings

In the Features tab, select a design theme, specify the project name and parameters, add tools and external users.

About project.

  • Specify a project name and add a description.
  • Select a visual theme, a project icon or upload your own one.
  • Click Extended parameters to select project tools and add external users.

Project parameters.

  • Project dates — specify the time period in which the project needs to be completed.
  • Tags — specify tags to filter and search projects by them.
    Tags in tasks and projects


  • Project tools — check the boxes next to Bitrix24 tools that are needed for the project.
  • Project type — select Publishing on Bitrix24 Sites to post project news on your website and in Bitrix24 knowledge bases.

External Users.

Select Allow access for external users to invite clients, partners or freelancers to the project. Click Next.

Select privacy type

There are three levels of project privacy:

Public — a project is visible in the list. Any employee can join it.
Private — a project is visible in the list. Any employee can send a request to join it.
Hidden — a project is not visible in the list. You can join it only by invitation.

Then click Next.

Bitrix24 administrator can view all workgroups, projects and can manage them if a special mode is enabled.
Assign admin permissions

Add project members

  • Project owner — specify the responsible person for the project. By default this is the project creator.
  • Project moderators — select one or more employees.
  • Team — Add coworkers who are working on the project.

Then click Next.

Edit project

You can edit a project. Click the menu icon and select Edit.

In the project form.

1–2. Open the form and select About project.
3–4. Click Action - Edit project.

Change the type - a project to a workgroup

Go to the Extended parameters. Check or uncheck the Project box to change the type.

Then click Change.

    In brief:

  • Bitrix24 has workgroups and projects - public, private and hidden.
  • The main difference between them is the ability to set deadlines.
  • When you create a workgroup or a project, you need to define the privacy level, add participants, and select tools.
  • You can edit workgroups and projects, change the type.

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