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Custom fields in invoices and Smart Process Automation

Use custom fields to store additional information when standard fields in the invoice and SPA item forms are not enough. Create and customize fields to meet your business needs. For example, add a field for available payment methods in your company.

This article is about custom fields in invoices and Smart Process Automation.

For custom fields in leads, deals, contacts, companies, or estimates, refer to this article: Custom fields in CRM

For custom fields in the warehouse form, see this article: Custom fields in warehouses

Custom fields in invoices, SPAs, and automated solutions are created in the same way. Only Bitrix24 administrators and employees with permission to edit CRM settings can create custom fields.
Access Permissions in CRM

Types of custom fields

There are several types of custom fields in invoices and SPAs. They are used for storing different types of data. You can choose the type when creating a field.

  • Bind To CRM Items: Select a specific CRM entity (e.g., lead, deal, contact, company, estimate).

  • Bind To CRM Dictionaries: Select a value from the statuses and dropdowns in CRM (e.g., deal stage, contact type, company industry).

  • Bind to employee: Select a company employee (e.g., service provider).

  • Money: Specify amount and currency (e.g., advance amount, project budget).

  • String: Enter any information (text, numbers, or dates).

  • Integer: Enter whole numbers (e.g., customer age, discount percentage).

  • Number: Enter any number (e.g., service quality assessment).

  • Date/Time: Specify date and time (e.g., meeting date and time).

  • Date: Specify date without time (e.g., invoice payment date).

  • Yes/No: Select Yes or No (e.g., whether the product needs delivery).

  • Address: Select an address on the map (e.g., delivery address).

  • Link: Enter URLs (e.g., client's website, social network profile, document or image link).

  • File: Upload files (e.g., contracts, technical documentation, call recordings).

  • List: Select one or more values from a pre-installed set (e.g., payment method: credit card, PayPal, Google Pay).

  • Link to information block section: Select a section from the information block (e.g., company department, product catalog section).

  • Bind To Information Block Elements: Select a specific element from the information block (e.g., product item, workflow element).

How to create a custom field

You can create a field in the item form or under invoice or SPA settings. Here's how to create a field using the example of an invoice.

Create a field in the item form. This method is ideal for quickly creating and filling in a field.

  1. Open an invoice form and click Create field.
  2. Select the field type from the drop-down list.

Specify the field name and enable the necessary parameters. The parameters may vary depending on the field type.

: Make the field mandatory at all stages or only at specific ones. Users cannot save the form until they fill in this field.
Required fields in CRM

: Allow users to enter multiple values in the field.

: Display the field in the form even if it is not filled in.

: Select which employees can see the information in this field. It will be hidden from others.
Make a custom field visible to selected users only

After configuring the settings, click Save. The field will appear in the invoice form, ready for immediate use.

Create a field under invoice settings. This method is perfect for fields that require additional settings, such as file size and format limits for uploads.

  1. Go to the CRM section.
  2. Expand Sales and select Invoices.
  3. Click Settings (⚙️).
  4. Select Field settings.
  5. Click Create in the top right corner.

Configure the field parameters. They may differ depending on the type of field. Here's how to configure them using the List type as an example:

Common settings. These settings are the same for all types of fields.

  • Data type: Choose the type of data stored in the field.
    Types of custom fields

  • Field ID: It is generated automatically and can be used in CRM documents and to set up integrations with external systems.

  • Name: It is displayed in the item form.

  • Sorting: Determines the order of the field in the field list. Lower numbers place the field higher.

  • Multiple: Allows users to enter multiple values in the field.

  • Required: Users cannot save the invoice form without filling in this field.

  • Show in filter: Enables filtering invoices by this field's value. If disabled, the field won't appear in the filter.
    Search for CRM items using a filter

  • Searchable: Enables entering the field value in the search bar and finding all invoices with this value.

List values. These settings are available only for fields of the List type. Specify each value on a separate line.

You can also set the default value that is automatically filled in the field. Users can leave or replace this value.

All languages. Specify the field name in all languages used by employees.

Additional settings. These settings may vary depending on the type of field.

  • Control: Affects how the list of values appears in the CRM entity form.

  • List control height: Specify how many list values are displayed in the selection window. To see other values, scroll down the list.

  • Use caption when value is empty: Displays a caption if no value is selected from the list.

  • Show empty value in required fields: Enable this option to keep the required field empty until you fill it in. Disable it to automatically insert the first value from the list into the field.

When you have set up the field, click Save.

After creating the field, you can complete it in the invoice form.

How to edit or delete a custom field

You can edit the field in the item form or under invoice or SPA settings. Deleting custom fields is only possible under invoice or SPA settings.

You can edit any field parameter, except for Data type, Field ID, and Multiple.

To edit a field in the item form,

  1. Open a form.
  2. Click the Settings icon (⚙️) next to the field.
  3. Select Configure.
  4. Make your changes and click Save.

To edit a field under invoice or SPA settings,

  1. Go to CRM > Sales > Invoices or open the desired SPA.
  2. Click Settings (⚙️).
  3. Select Field settings.
  4. To edit a specific field, click its name.
  5. Make your changes and click Save.

To delete a field,

  1. Go to CRM > Sales > Invoices or open the desired SPA.
  2. Click Settings (⚙️).
  3. Select Field settings.
  4. Open the desired field settings and click Delete.
When you delete a field, all the data bound to it will also be deleted.

In brief

  • Use custom fields to store additional information in the invoice and SPA item forms when standard fields are not enough. Create and customize fields to meet your business needs.

  • Only Bitrix24 administrators and employees with permission to edit CRM settings can create custom fields.

  • You can create a field in the item form or under invoice or SPA settings.

  • Choose the field type and set its parameters: required, multiple, visible to selected users, etc.

  • After creation, you can edit any field parameter, except for Data type, Field ID, and Multiple.

  • When you delete a field, all the data bound to it will also be deleted.

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