
What is Marketing in Bitrix24

Marketing is a powerful tool for engaging with your customer base. It enables you to create targeted email and social media campaigns, as well as build audiences for advertising accounts.

Marketing tackles three key challenges:

  1. encourage repeat purchases from existing customers

  2. converts potential customers who have not yet made a purchase

  3. enhances customer loyalty and fosters a positive company image

The current customers have not yet made a purchase. You can send promotional emails to these customers. It doesn't matter how they entered our CRM, whether through social networks, email, or chat.

How does Marketing help different companies:

Small Business:

  • Repeat sales are often the main source of profit for small business. Advertising budgets are limited, so it is difficult to find new clients. Such companies take care of their image.
  • For example, a small family bakery with three employees can send an email campaign to customers and offer a cake for the next holiday. If the customer's birthday is known, you can offer a gift for the holiday, and add the customer's name as well.
  • The car service can make an email campaign to customers and offer them regular maintenance or tire changes for winter.

Midsize business:

  • A fitness center can offer customers preferential terms to renew expiring memberships for a year.
  • The clothing store can announce the arrival of a new collection or a sale of items from last season.

Big Business:

  • Banks can send emails to customers and offer new loan terms or promotions.
  • Retail chains can announce sales or new store openings.

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