A dataset keeps information about deals, leads, calls, and other Bitrix24 elements. Use data from Bitrix24 to create reports, import it from CSV files, and connect advertising sources. You can build charts and analyze business metrics. For example, find out how many deals were completed in a month and which manager achieved the best results.
We will discuss the datasets available in Bitrix24 and how to work with data from external sources.
Datasets from Bitrix24:
- Tasks and projects
- Leads
- Deals
- Products from the catalog
- Workflows
- Companies and contacts
- e-Signature and e-Signature for HR
- Activities, stages, and links between CRM items
- Invoices and estimates
- Users, company structure, and calls
- Call assessment
Datasets from external sources:
Datasets from Bitrix24:
Tasks and projects. There are seven datasets for tasks and projects:
- Tasks (task)
- Custom fields (task_uf)
- Elapsed time (task_elapsed_time)
- Task stages (task_stages)
- Task efficiency (task_efficiency)
- Task flows (flow)
- Projects (socialnetwork_group)
The datasets contain information about tasks, projects, and related metrics. They help track project status and analyze task completion.
BI Builder datasets: Tasks and projects
Leads. There are four databases for leads:
- Leads (crm_lead)
- Custom fields (crm_lead_uf)
- Status history (crm_lead_status_history)
- Products in leads (crm_lead_product_row)
The databases contain data about leads and related elements. They help analyze the lead from creation to the final stage.
Deals. There are four datasets for deals:
- Deals (crm_deal)
- Custom fields (crm_deal_uf)
- Status history (crm_deal_stage_history)
- Products in deals (crm_deal_product_row)
The datasets contain data about deals and related elements. They help analyze the deal from start to finish and track employee performance dynamics.
Products from the catalog. There are three datasets for products:
- Products (crm_product)
- Product properties (crm_product_property)
- Product property values (crm_product_property_value)
The datasets contain data about products from the catalog and their characteristics. They help analyze the assortment and track price changes. For example, see which products are available in the catalog and their properties.
SPA. There are four datasets for SPA:
- SPA (crm_dynamic_items_
"type identifier"
) - Products in SPA (crm_dynamic_items_prod_
"type identifier"
) - SPAs of automated solutions (crm_automated_solution_
"automated solution identifier"
) - SPA list (crm_smart_proc)
The datasets contain data about SPAs, their items, products, and automated solutions. You can find out how many items were created in a month, which employees worked with them, and which products are included in the processes.
Each SPA is a separate dataset with its fields and columns. To use it in a report, you need to know its identifier type.
BI Builder datasets: Smart Process Automation
Add multiple SPAs to a Power BI report
Workflows. There are two datasets for workflows:
- Workflow assignments (bizproc_task)
- Workflow (bizproc_workflow_state)
The datasets contain data about running workflows and their assignments. They help track workflow progress, analyze assignment completion time, and monitor their statuses.
BI Builder datasets: Workflows
Companies and Contacts. There are four datasets for working with companies and contacts:
- Company (crm_company)
- Company: custom fields (crm_company_uf)
- Contact (crm_contact)
- Contact: custom fields (crm_contact_uf)
The datasets contain data about companies, contacts, and related parameters. They help analyze the client base and consider additional parameters.
BI Builder datasets: Companies and contacts
e-Signature and e-Signature for HR. There are two datasets for electronic documents:
- e-Signature (crm_dynamic_items_36)
- e-Signature for HR (crm_dynamic_items_39)
The datasets contain data about HR documents and documents for signing with clients. They help track signing statuses, control deadlines, and analyze document movement through stages.
BI Builder datasets: e-Signature and e‑Signature for HR
Activities, stages, and links between CRM items. There are three datasets for CRM items:
- Activity (crm_activity)
- CRM stages (crm_stages)
- CRM activity associations (crm_activity_relation)
The datasets contain data about activities, stages, and links between CRM items and activities. You can find out which activities are linked to deals, contacts, and companies, and analyze the movement of deals through stages.
BI Builder datasets: Activities, CRM stages, and CRM activity associations
Invoices and estimates. There are three datasets for invoices and estimates:
- Invoices (crm_dynamic_items_31)
- Estimates (crm_quote)
- Estimate: products (crm_quote_product_row)
The datasets contain data about invoices, estimates, and related products. They help track invoice and estimate statuses, control price changes, and monitor product quantities.
BI Builder datasets: Invoices and estimates
Users, company structure, and calls. There are three datasets for employees, departments, and calls:
- Employees (user)
- Company structure (org_structure)
- Calls (telephony_call)
The datasets contain data about employees, departments, and calls. They help analyze number of users, track structural changes, and view call history.
BI Builder datasets: Employees, company structure, and calls
Call assessment. The dataset (crm_ai_quality_assessment) is used to evaluate agent calls based on sales scripts. It includes call IDs, ratings, and employee information. This allows you to check how well agents follow scripts and track call quality dynamics.
BI Builder datasets: Call assessment
Datasets from external sources
You can import data from CSV files and connect advertising accounts. Based on this data, create datasets and visualize information in the form of charts and reports.
Import data from CSV files. If data is stored in CSV files, you can upload it to BI Builder.
Create a dataset from a CSV file in BI Builder
Configure data formats and types for CSV file import
Connect advertising sources. Information from advertising accounts will be automatically collected into datasets: advertising sources and expenses.
BI Builder: Get and use data from ad accounts
In brief:
- In BI Builder, you can work with data from Bitrix24 and external sources. For reports, use information about deals, tasks, calls, companies, products, and other CRM items.
- For analysis, upload data from CSV files and advertising accounts. Based on the data, you can create datasets and visualize information in the form of charts.