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What is CRM Marketing

Advertising is becoming more and more expensive every year. This applies to both offline and online type. It is difficult and expensive to find new clients. That is why the importance of working with current clients is increasing.

CRM Marketing is a tool for working with your customer base. You can use it to create specialized email and social network campaigns, as well as to fill the advertising accounts audience.

CRM Marketing solves three main problems:

  • helps persuade customers who have previously bought smth to make a repeat purchase;

  • brings to purchase those customers who have not bought anything yet;

  • increases customer loyalty and creates a positive image of the company.
The current customers are those who have not made a purchase yet. You can send sale emails for these customers. It doesn't matter how exactly the client got into our CRM: came through social networks, an email or a chat.

How does CRM Marketing help different companies?

Small Business  Repeat sales are often the main source of profit for small business. Advertising budgets are limited, so it is difficult to find new clients. Such companies take care of their image.

For example, a small family bakery with three employees can send an email campaign to customers and offer a cake for the next holiday. If the customer's birthday is known, you can offer a gift for the holiday, and add the customer's name as well.

The car service can make an email campaign to customers and offer them regular maintenance or tire changes for winter.

Midsize business A fitness center can offer customers preferential terms to renew expiring memberships for a year.

The clothing store can announce the arrival of a new collection or a sale of items from last season.

Big Business Banks can send emails to customers and offer new loan terms or promotions.

Retail chains can announce sales or new store openings.

How to choose email campaigns recipients

To increase the effectiveness of the email campaigns, you don't want to send it to everyone. If a bakery offers to buy a birthday cake for someone whose birthday is only six months away, the customer will ignore the mailing. They won't come back to us again.

In Bitrix24 CRM Marketing, clients can be divided into segments. Each segment is a separate group of clients for which the mailing is designed.

The same bakery can send out offers to customers whose birthdays are a week away. These customers are more likely to buy the cake, and they will be happy that the company remembers their birthday.

A car service can offer to buy new parts. You could do an email campaign to all customers, but it would look like spam. You could send a mailing to customers whose cars are more than seven years old. Chances of purchase are higher, because it's time to think about upgrading parts. If you send a mailing to drivers of a 2010 Audi, the customer is more likely to buy something, because the offer is created as if it's just for him/her. The more information we know about the customer, the more accurately we can select a segment and make the most successful email campaign.

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