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Custom fields in CRM

Any CRM element form has a set of standard fields, but any business is unique and has its own needs.

Custom fields are created by CRM users. Such fields are available in all entities and have all the same features as the system ones. They are displayed in the CRM entity form. You can use filters and search by custom field values.

Add a custom field

You can add fields in two ways: in the entity form and in the CRM settings. The first way is suitable when you want to quickly create a field for some text or date, and the second one - if you want to create a more complex field, for example, a list with a large number of values.

Only users having access permission to Edit settings can add custom fields. Read more in the article - Access Permissions in CRM.

Add custom fields in the entity form

In the entity form, click Create field in the desired section. Select the appropriate field type.

Specify the name of the field and select the desired options. Then save your changes.

Add custom fields in the CRM settings

Click More and select Settings > CRM settings.

Then click Form and report settings and select Custom fields.

Click Add field in the menu of the desired entity.

Configure the field parameters:

  • Sorting - the smaller is the "sorting" field value, the higher is the field in the CRM element form.
  • Assign names in all languages - enable this option to specify the field name in different languages. If this option is enabled, you'll need to specify field values in all languages when adding a new CRM element.
  • Name - specify the field name.
  • Required - enable this option to make the field required.
  • Multiple - enable this option to be able to specify several field values.
  • Show in filter - enable this option to show the field in filters.
  • Show in list - enable this option to show the field in the List view.

Then select the field type.

Custom field types

  • String is a text field.
  • Number is the type of field for numbers.
  • Yes/No - specify information that requires the answer.
  • Date/Time- specify the date and time for the meeting with the client.
  • Money - specify a number and currency.
  • Link - specify a link, for example, to the client's website.
  • Address on Google maps - specify the client's address.
  • Book a Resource - this field type allows to reserve resources in a CRM entity form.
  • List - this is a usual list for several values.
  • File - upload, for example, a conversation recording from a meeting with a client or any document.
  • Bind to User - select an employee of your company.
  • Bind to CRM Selection List - specify a company or a contact from CRM.
  • Bind to Information Block Sections/Elements - link an entity, for example, to a specific workflow.

If necessary, specify the number in the Rows per text box field and the Default Value. After that, click Save.

How to change or delete custom fields

Go to the More > Settings > CRM Settings. Click Forms and Reports Settings - Custom Fields.

Click Fields in the menu of the desired entity.

Click on the menu icon and select the action.

When the field is deleted, all the data bound to it will also be deleted.

You can change setting of any fields except for Multiple and Type fields.

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