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Send data from CRM forms to an employee by email

CRM forms are commonly used for acquiring clients' data. After a client has completed the CRM form, the information is saved to CRM. It may be important to send this information by email.

For example, you need to send it to an external user who doesn't have access to CRM.

Here are three configuration steps that are required to implement this scenario:

1. Configuring a CRM form

We recommend using the Contact or Feedback script, but you can use any other script of your choice.

Create a new form and configure the following fields:

  • Name - the field from the Contact section.
  • Phone- the field from the Contact section.
  • Email - the field from the Contact section.
  • Comment - the field from the Deal section.

In the CRM entities section, select Deal + Customer.

Read more about other CRM form settings in the article - Add a CRM form.

Save the changes.

Finally, you can place the form in a widget on your site.

Read more about it in the article.

2. Connecting a mailbox

Connect your mailbox and configure SMTP server.

Read more in the article - Mailbox integration.

3. Configuring an automation rule

After the CRM form has been completed, a new deal and contact are created.

Deals are always created in the first stage of the specified pipeline. So we need to create a new automation rule there. Click + > Employee alerts > Send email.

The automation rule needs to have the following settings:

  • Run: immediately
  • From: select the required email address
  • To: responsible (you can specify yourself if needed)

Write the message text and subject. Insert the values of the completed fields into the text. First name, phone number, email address are saved to a contact form. A comment is in a deal form. To use this data in the email, click the three dots button next to the message text window. For example, to insert the contact name, click Contact > Name.

Make sure to select the same phone and email type in the CRM form and the automation rule settings.

Let's take a look at the process. A client completes the CRM form on your website.

A new deal and contact are created in CRM. You can open the Automation tab in the deal form to check the automation rule status.

The automation rule sends an email to the employee. It is marked in green once it's done.

This employee gets the email containing all the data from the completed web form.

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