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Open Channel settings

Open Channels in Bitrix24 collect enquires from different sources in real time and distribute chat sessions among agents in the queue.

To create an Open Channel,

  1. Go to CRM > Add-ons > Contact center.
  2. Select a social network or messenger.
  3. Click Create Open Channel in the Open Channel preferences section.
Below are important points to consider when creating an Open Channel:
  • An employee needs access permissions to configure Open Channels.
    Access permissions for Open Channels

  • The number of Open Channels that you can create depends on your plan.
    Bitrix24 pricing page

  • Each type of communication channel can be connected to only one Open Channel. For example, if you have two Telegram bots, you need a separate Open Channel for each of them.

  • All the Open Channels are linked to the domain name of your Bitrix24 account. If you change the domain name, you need to reconfigure Open Channels.

Then click the Configure button.

Here's a list of available Open Channel settings.


Agent queue. Select users or departments to process messages.

Distribute submissions among employees. Choose an enquiry distribution mode:

  • Evenly: The current order of employees involved (added to the queue) is in no sequence. This mode distributes enquiries so that all the agents get a similar workload.
    Open channels: how does the queue work

  • Exactly as enqueued: This implies that a current order of employees takes precedence. This mode sends a new enquiry to the first available person, then to the next one in the queue if no response follows.

  • To everybody: This mode sends enquiries to all employees in the queue.

Check if this tool is available on your plan.
Bitrix24 pricing page

Idle time before forwarding to next agent in queue: Specify the time interval from 1 minute to 12 hours.

Check that an agent is online when routing enquiries: If enabled, the system will check if the agent:

  • is not dismissed,
  • is not on leave,
  • is online or has clocked in.

Open Channels: "Check that an agent is online when routing enquiries" option

Limit simultaneous enquiries submitted to an agent: Activate this option to limit conversations per agent. You can also specify which chats to exclude:

  • Replied to: Excludes enquiries to which an agent replied at least once, closed, and pending rating chats.

  • Waiting for user reaction: Excludes enquiries to which an agent replied and is now waiting for reaction. Closed and pending rating chats are also excluded.

  • Closed: Excludes closed and pending rating chats.

Open channels: how does the queue work

Agent information. Specify what information about the agent will be displayed:

  • Use employee user profile: Show the agent's current information (name and user image) as specified in their profile.

  • Use Open Channel entries: Use information provided in the Open Channel settings.

  • Hide agent information: No user info will be shown.

Verify client in CRM database. Enable this option to access extra settings.

Enable chat tracker: Bitrix24 can automatically recognize a customer in the Open channel, unite all dialogs with the client into one profile, and save them to the CRM item form.

If client was not found in CRM database: Create a new lead automatically or manually. There is a link in the chat window to create a new lead manually. The client's full name and message log are saved to the new lead form.

A new lead will be created only if you have contact information to reach the client. For example, if you receive a message from a social network, you can contact this client back; hence, a new lead is created.

However, if you receive a message from Live Chat and the sender hasn't left any contact information before leaving your website, you cannot contact this client back, and a new lead is not created.

New lead source: If the Open Channel source is selected, the new lead will specify the source of communication used: Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc.

Transfer enquiry to responsible person if client ID is recognized: If this option is activated and the client is found in CRM, the conversation goes to the employee responsible for this client, even if the employee is not in the queue.

Auto change lead's responsible person when routing enquiry to another agent manually: If you activate this option and transfer a chat to another agent during the conversation, this employee will become responsible for this client. If not activated, the one who first accepted the chat will remain responsible for the client.

The automatic change of the responsible person works only when creating a new CRM item based on the chat. If a lead or deal has already been created in CRM and a dialog is attached to it, the change of responsible person will not happen.


Check if this tool is available on your plan.
Bitrix24 pricing page

Here, you can customize Open Channel working hours by selecting the time zone, business hours, weekends, and holidays.

If you receive a message from a client and all users are offline, you can set an auto reply text.

This option is available regardless of using the Working Time management tool.

Note that you can also configure worktime preferences for Open Channels in the website widget settings.
Website widget

Cookie consent

Send warning about collecting personal data. Activate this option and select a consent form to show to clients or create a new one.
Add a GDPR consent

Auto Actions

Send greetings: Activate this option and specify the auto reply text.

You can use a CRM form to ask for contact information in Live Chat.
Contact information form in Live Chat

Mark enquiry as unanswered in: Specify the time interval to mark enquiries as unanswered.

If no agent could respond to an enquiry: Decide whether to reply with an automated text or take no action if no agent responds to an enquiry.

If the Check that an agent is online when routing enquiries option is enabled in the Queue section and the system cannot find any available agents, the auto reply will be sent. Customize it under Worktime > Off-hours enquiry processing.

If enquiry is processed and completed: Specify the message to send to clients after their enquiry is closed.

Delay until enquiry is completely closed (after it was marked as closed by agent): If needed, specify the time interval to completely close a dialog.

Conversation timeout: Automatically close the dialog if the client does not respond within the specified time. Decide whether to send a text to the client or close the dialog without any action.

Canned response list. Select or create a list of canned responses for this Open Channel.
Canned responses

Live Typing. Improve your agents' response time and make your customers happy with your immediate response. Agents can see the text a customer is typing, which reduces the time needed to respond.

This option is available only in Live Chat.

Quality Assessment

Ask a client to rate agent performance. Enable this option to send a request to rate agent performance to a client once the conversation is closed.

Check if this tool is available on your plan.
Bitrix24 pricing page

Close session when client rating is received: The option closes the dialog once a client rates agent performance.
Open Channels: Quality Assessment

Chat Bots

Assign chat bot when a client enquiry is received. Activate this option to assign all enquires to the chat bot first. Afterward, they will be distributed as usual.

You can download chat bots from Bitrix24 Market.
Bitrix24 Market

Not all chat bots from the Bitrix24 Market are compatible with Open Channels. Please contact the chat bot developer to confirm compatibility.

Response time KPI

KPI helps you evaluate the efficiency of a specific employee. Here's what it includes:

Initial response time: Specify the time interval between the initial client's message and the agent's response that shouldn't be exceeded.

Subsequent response time: Specify the time interval between the subsequent client's messages and the agent's response that shouldn't be exceeded.

Send notification if chat messages are overdue: Enable this option to notify when chat messages are overdue.

Send to: Choose an employee to receive notifications for overdue messages in this Open Channel.

Notification message: Customize the message using these available macros:

  • #OPERATOR# - agent name
  • #DIALOG# - conversation ID with a link

You can view the agents' KPI in the Conversations section. Just click the gear button (⚙️) and add the following columns:

  • Initial response time
  • Total response time
  • Average response time
  • Maximum response time


Open Channel name: The name is generated automatically, but you can change it. Clients will see this name in the chat window header.

Chat title: Specify the title when connecting Live Chat. If set, this title will display instead of the Open Channel name.
Connect Bitrix24 Live Chat

Changes may take about 10-15 minutes to apply to the website widget.

Channel is active: Use this option to enable or disable the Open Channel.

If you deactivate the open channel, disconnect all connected communication channels. Otherwise, you'll still receive messages but won't be able to respond.

Save message log: The message log is saved automatically and can be found in the chat, the corresponding CRM item form, or the Conversations section. It is available to the account administrators.
Conversations: how to find Open Channel chats

Language preferences: Select the language for email messages sent to clients when they request a message log or receive a notification.

Delete this Open Channel: Click Delete to remove this Open Channel.

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