
Document auto numbering

Every document in Bitrix24 has a unique number, but official documents often follow strict numbering rules. Your company might also have specific document numbering standards.

Auto numbering templates can include numbers, the current date, and other values. You can customize these templates for documents, invoices, and estimates to fit your needs.

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Create and edit auto numbering templates in CRM settings

To access the auto numbering settings:

  1. Go to CRM.
  2. Expand Settings.
  3. Select CRM settings.
  4. Click Auto numbering template.
  5. Select For Documents.

The list shows the template name, where it's used, and the number format. By default, the {NUMBER} template is used, which means a sequential number.

To edit an auto numbering template, click its name. To create a new one, click Create auto numbering template.

Consider an example of sequential numbering to fill out the form:

  • Automatic numbering template name: Give your template a name.

  • Number format: Select Sequential numbers.

  • Start sequential numbering with: Set the starting number for sequential numbering. The default is 1, but you can change it.

  • Increment sequential numbers by: Decide how much the number increases with each document. The default is 1, but you can change it.

  • Sequential number length and Padding character: To keep numbering as 1, 2, 3, leave the settings unchanged. If you prefer numbers like 001, 002, set the sequential number length to 3. In this case, the padding character will be two zeros before the number.

  • Automatic numbering template activity period: Set how long the numbering continues before it resets. For example, select Day to restart the numbering daily.

    By default, the system uses the local server time, but you can select a different time zone if needed.
  • Use continuous numbering across all of my companies: Enable this to use the template across all your companies in Bitrix24.

Also, you can use the following options in formats:

Current day, month, year: Add the current date to the document name.

Random number: Add a random combination of numbers and uppercase letters to the document name, like 4C2FW. You can specify its length in the settings.

Prefix: Add a custom combination of symbols to the document name.

ID: Add the identifier of the item creating the document, like a deal ID.

My company ID: Add the company ID from CRM > Settings > My company details.

Client ID: Add your client ID. For deals, the ID of the company or main contact involved.

Combine different formats and create auto numbering templates according to your company needs.

Create and edit auto numbering templates in document template settings

To access your document template settings:

  • Open a deal form and click Documents.
  • Select Add new template.
  • Choose the desired template and click Edit.

Scroll down to the Use auto numbering template field. If you've already created a template in CRM settings, select it from the list and save the changes. If not, create or edit a template using the available options.

View and edit the current and next document numbers

If you use an auto numbering template for a single company, open a template in edit mode to see the current document number. To make changes:

  1. Click Edit current number.
  2. Enter a new number in the New current number field.
  3. Save the changes.

For templates used across multiple companies, open a template in edit mode and click Edit current number.

A panel will slide out on the right, showing the list of next numbers for each company. The Numbering template key column displays your companies' IDs. Company_ID_ is the key for documents created without a company connection, while Company_ID_1 is the key for the company with ID 1.

You can find the company ID under CRM > Settings > My company details.
Company details

To edit the next document number:

  1. Select a company from the list.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Enter a new number in the Next number will be column.
  4. Save the changes.

Troubleshoot incorrect document numbering

If you've set up numbering a while ago and suddenly notice unexpected values when creating a document, the numbering might have gone wrong.

Reasons: This often happens if the Use continuous numbering across all of my companies option isn't enabled. Changes in CRM > Settings > My company details can also impact numbering, such as:

  • Not adding any companies under My company details. If you first set up auto numbering and then add a company, the numbering will restart.

  • Having two companies and changing the default seller to the other company, which resets the numbering.

  • Adding a company and later deleting it, causing the numbering to start over.

  • Enabling the Use continuous numbering across all of my companies option with multiple companies, which restarts the numbering.

By default, the company set as the default seller is linked to the deal, and documents are created for it.

Solution: If numbering goes wrong, create a new template, enter the desired current number, and enable the Use continuous numbering across all of my companies option.

In brief

  • Auto numbering templates in Bitrix24 can include numbers, the current date, and other values. You can customize these templates for documents, invoices, and estimates to fit your needs.

  • You can create and edit these templates in both CRM settings and document template settings.

  • Combine different formats and create auto numbering templates according to your company needs.

  • If numbering goes wrong, create a new template, enter the desired current number, and enable the Use continuous numbering across all of my companies option.

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