
Default field values in CRM forms

Default field values are automatically written to the selected fields when filling out the form. The client does not see them in the form.

For example, you use the same form on different sites. You can use the default values to see the site address where the customer filled out the form.

In the Online store, each product has a separate detailed page. Customers fill out the form on the page and ask questions about a specific product. In this scenario, using default values allows managers to know which product the client wants to get information about. It is better to create another form rather than writing the domain name or page address.

How it works

  1. Go to the CRM > Add-ons > CRM Forms.
  2. Open the CRM form editor.
  3. Use the Custom preferences case.

Open the Hidden Field Values tab. Select the fields for which you will specify the values. Click the pencil and select the field value from the menu.

Create one field for each value. Then specify a value for each field. You will receive the information when the customer fills out the form.

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