
Recurring Invoices (an old version)

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If you create the same invoice on a regular basis, you can make it recurring. Bitrix24 will automatically create this invoice.

How to create a recurring invoice

Go to the CRM section > Invoices > Create invoice.

You can learn more about creating invoices in the article - How to create an invoice.

Scroll down to the Recuring payments section > enable the Make recurring invoice option.

Next, you need to specify the parameters of the recurring invoice.

Repeat type

Here, you need to select how often to create the recurring invoice.
  • Day - specify the number of days and select if it'll be workdays or calendar days.
  • Week - for example, create a recurring invoice every two weeks on Wednesdays.
  • Month - for example, create a recurring invoice every first workday or calendar day every month. Or, for example, you can select another option and create an invoice every first Monday of every month.
  • Year - similar to the Month option.

Recurrence parameters

First of all, specify the date that the invoice will be made recurring after.

Next, specify the date when to stop invoicing using this template.

If no end date is selected, invoices will be created endlessly. Also, you can specify the number of iterations, after which invoices won't be created anymore.

Payment due date

You can specify when the invoice needs to be paid by the client.

After you've finished configuring the parameters, you will see the brief information: when the next invoice will be created.

Done! You've successfully configured the recurring invoice.

Send invoice to client's email

First of all, you need to specify the payer and seller's email addresses to use this option.

Next, enable the send invoice to client's e-mail option to send invoices to the payer's email automatically. You can select one of your message templates or create a new one.

View the list of recurring invoices

Go to the CRM section > Invoices > click the cogwheel button > Recurring invoice templates.

In this section, you'll see the list of recurring invoices, including the information about how many invoices have been created and the date of the next invoice.

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