
Migrate data from other systems to Bitrix24 Inventory management

To migrate data from other systems to Bitrix24, you need to install the appropriate application from the Market and import the data into your account.

Data import from the QuickBooks Inventory and Zoho Inventory services is currently available in Bitrix24.

How to import data

First, enable the Inventory management option in the CRM section or the Sites and stores section.

Then click the Migrate button to install an app from the Market.

If you have the Inventory management option enabled, skip the previous step, open the Market to select the app, and install it.

Open the app. First, enter your account username and password. Then start the migration.

Data migration may take some time. The duration depends on the amount of data.

When the import is complete, the documents will appear in your Inventory management section. The products will be added to the catalog.

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