
Dateadd function

The dateadd function allows you to add a certain number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds to the specified date.

This is how it looks:

=dateadd([start_date], [what_to_add])

In the [start_date] section, you can use variables, template parameters, or entity fields. Also, you can enter any date manually or set the current time and date using {=System:Now}.

In the [what_to_add] section, set the desired time unit using the corresponding values:

Unit Value
Year y
Month m
Day d
Hour h
Minute i
Second s

Use + and - signs to add or subtract the specified value from [start_date]. For example:

=dateadd({=Document:DATE_CREATE}, "+1d"): The resulting date will be 1 day later than the document creation date.

=dateadd({=Document:DATE_CREATE}, "-21d"): The resulting date will be 21 days earlier than the document creation date.

The dateadd function does not change the date specified in the [start_date] section. If you use the creation date of an item, this date will not be modified. The function uses it and adds the value specified in the [what_to_add] section. To save the resulting date value, insert it in a separate field or variable.
Learn how to insert values using special macros

Use case

The function is commonly used to automatically calculate the deadline for a task based on its creation date. Let's consider the following example and create a task that needs to be done in 10 days.

  1. Add the Create task activity to your workflow.

  2. Insert =dateadd({=System:Now}, "+10d") in the Deadline field.

  3. Run your workflow to create a task. The deadline will be set 10 days after the creation date.

To use the resulting date as text in notifications, tasks, or Feed posts, enclose the function in curly brackets:

{{=dateadd({=Document:DATE_CREATE}, "+1d")}}

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