
Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR: Getting Started

It is now possible to use e-Signature for HR in Bitrix24 and sign various HR documents with simple electronic signature (SES).

Advantages of Bitrix24 e-Signature for HR

Convenience. Add new documents or work with ready-made templates. The company and the employee information is uploaded from Bitrix24.

Time saving. Fill out and sign documents electronically.

Material saving. Reduce your office supplies consumption.

Process improvement. Receive notifications of signing deadlines and follow the process.

Work with e-Signature for HR

To use e-Signature for HR, it may be required by your applicable law to sign an agreement to deal electronically with your employee prior to initiating an electronic signature process.

Follow the steps to create a document and send it for signing:

  1. Prepare a document: add a new one or use a ready-made template.
  2. Select the company and the company representative as a signing party. By default, e-Signature for HR is specified as the provider.
  3. Select signing employees.
  4. Check the document data and submit the document for signing.

The recipient will be able to sign the document with an electronic signature.

    In brief:

  • It is now possible to use e-Signature for HR in Bitrix24 and sign various HR documents with simple electronic signature (SES).

  • By default, e-Signature for HR is specified as the provider.

  • Add a document, select a company, a company representative, and signing employees.

  • The recipient will be able to sign the document with an electronic signature.

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