
Zapier for CRM app

Connect Bitrix24 CRM to 5000+ popular web services and apps supported by the platform.

Installation & Setup


Zapier for CRM app does not have a user interface in Bitrix24, but you need to install it from the Market to allow Zapier to establish a connection with your account. We also recommend installing Zapier Dashboard to access all of your loved tools right from your Bitrix24 account.

The app requires no setup in Bitrix24 as it all happens in Zapier.

Establishing the connection

Find Bitrix24 CRM app when building your Zap:
after choosing any of the available app event options:
Enter your Bitrix24 account URL in the pop-up window according to Zapier's instructions:
When successfully connected, you will see your Bitrix24 account URL and user ID in the account name:

You're now all set to proceed with building the Zaps.

Getting started

The main components of the Zaps are triggers and actions.
You probably already have a plan as to which app and what event will launch your Zap and the subsequent actions that would follow. We provided a few pre-built templates to integrate Bitrix24 with services such as Gmail, Slack, Mailchimp, and other popular apps to get you started.

You will also find a few detailed use-case examples in the sections below:


Triggers watch for changes made in a particular app and initiate the launch of the subsequent actions in the Zap.

The frequency of Zapier checks for changes (update time) depends on your Zapier plan. It can be anywhere from 15 and down to 1 minute.

All apps have their triggers, and if you're looking to monitor the changes in Bitrix24, these are the entity types you can work with:
Triggers respond to Adding, Updating, and Deleting:

Example: Get Slack channel notifications for new Leads in Bitrix24

Set Bitrix24 CRM as your trigger app and choose the Lead Trigger event:
Choose a corresponding Bitrix24 account (multiple can be connected):
Select the event type:
Test the trigger:
and continue to the Slack action setup:
Choose your Slack account:
Map the fields:
Test the action:
Check your Slack app:

If you now turn the Zap on, it will go through the procedure automatically anytime a new lead is created in your Bitrix24.

Custom fields in Bitrix24 have a UF_ prefix, so you can easily distinguish them when mapping the fields to other systems:


Actions come after triggers, and they actually do stuff.

Bitrix24 CRM app actions and search work with the following entity types:
You can add, update and delete from Bitrix24 CRM:
When working with Bitrix24 CRM actions, you will encounter the fields autoload switch:
The switch prevents hitting Zapier's hardset 30-second timeout when loading the form with more information (e.g. CRM records, custom field values, etc.) than possible to load during that timeframe. Switch it off if you're not able to configure the step because of the timeout.

Example: Creating contacts from JotFrom submissions

Start building the Zap by adding the JotForm's New Submission trigger:
Choose the account and the form:
Test the trigger:
The full name value came from JotForm as two words in one field. So we need to split it using Zapier's formatter tool to map the fields correctly in the next step::
Set the parameters:
Test the step:
Now we're ready to build the Bitrix24 action block:
Select a Bitrix24 account where you want the contact to get created:
Map the fields:
Test the step and check your Bitrix24 Contacts:

If we turn the Zap on, all the new form fill-outs will create Contacts in Bitrix24 automatically.


The Search action helps to leverage additional scenarios in your Zaps.
Some of the examples include:
  • Retrieving information from your Bitrix24 CRM to use it in another app
  • Duplicate control. The search action allows you to search for existing CRM records before proceeding with adding a new one
Use multiple fields in your search queries when you need to:
Learn more about using Search blocks in Zapier.

Example: Adding duplicate control to the previous example

Let's say the same person has filled out the form twice. In that case, you will not want an additional contact to create in your Bitrix24. We'll add two more steps to the previous example to make our Zap yet more specific and useful.

First, we'll add the Contact Search step:
Establishing duplicate control searching by the email field is a solid choice, so we'll implement that:
If the entity was found, we'd get the _zap_search_was_found_status true value:
Now we need to make sure the Zap does not continue if such entity exists in our CRM. So we'll add a Filter action to do just that:
Set the conditions. The _zap_search_was_found_status value fits great in our scenario:
As a result, we get exactly what we want:

Such simple measures can help us reduce any duplicate-related confusion and save a good deal of our Zaps.



Q: Why are there two Zapier apps, one in the Marketplace and the other in Zapier? The versions are different.
A: These are indeed two separate apps that work together. The Zapier for CRM app from the Marketplace allows to accessing Bitrix API, while the one in Zapier interacts with it. We recommend using the latest version of the connector to make the most out of the integration.

Q: Is it possible to connect two separate Bitrix24 accounts via Zapier?
A: Yes, you can have multiple Bitrix24 connections at a time and build Zaps connecting different Bitrix24 accounts.
To add a connection in Zapier go to My apps > Custom integrations > Bitrix24 CRM connector > Add connection

Q: I do like your app, but what if I want to submit feature ideas? How can I do that?
A: You're welcome to reach our Bitrix24 support to pass your feedback and ideas.


Q: Why am I getting a 404 page in Zapier when trying to re-establish a connection with my Bitrix24 account?
A: That happens when you're trying to use a deprecated version of a Bitrix24 CRM app in Zapier. Rebuild the step using a publicly available version of the app.

Q: I'm getting ERROR_OAUTH: Application not installed error after entering my Bitrix24 URL to establish a connection in Zapier. Why is that?
A: For Zapier to connect to your Bitrix24 account, you need to have Zapier for CRM app installed from Bitrix24 Market. No additional setup will be required. 

We advise to check whether your app's configuration might differ from the recommended one, please make sure that: 

  • No ending slash was used in the URL while authorizing. The same applies to using https:// URLs instead of http:// ones; 
  • Your current version of Zapier for CRM is the latest one. If you are not certain about it, we recommend to uninstall the app with its settings and reinstall the latest version from the Marketplace. 
  • The issue might also be caused due to multiple authentication profiles, for some of the access tokens could have expired. If you suggest that might be the reason, feel free to reach out to Bitrix24 Integrations support.

Q: How do I find a record by its ID? I do not seem to get the option under the Field name tab.
A: If you need to find an entity by its ID, use the custom input option.

Q: Is there duplicate control when adding new entries via Zapier?
A: There is no automatic duplicate control when adding new records using our API. You need to establish the check yourself. The integration app offers the Search action that can help you identify existing records and, therefore, not create duplicates.

Q: We operate our on-premise instance on a closed network. Is it possible to install and use the app locally?
A: This is a REST API-only app, and it requires access to and from the internet for it to work.

Q: How do I know the deal stages' IDs for adding a deal to a specific stage when creating a deal using the app?
A: To get an ID of a specific stage, you can get it by inspecting the stage using your web browser in Statuses & Dropdowns settings

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