
Workgroup (project) knowledge base

A company knowledge base usually provides basic information for all company employees. Additionally, you can create a knowledge base for specific department employees in any workgroup or project.

Check if workgroup (project) knowledge bases are available in your plan.

To create a workgroup (project) knowledge base,

  1. Go to a workgroup or a project, click More, and select Knowledge base.

  2. What to do if you cannot find the Knowledge base under More

    If you don't find the Knowledge base section in your workgroup or project, check its settings by clicking About workgroup in the top right corner.

    Under Actions, select Edit Workgroup or Edit Project.

    Click Extended parameters and enable in the list of features.

  3. Select one of the standard templates, download a template from our Market, or use the empty template.

  4. Then click Create knowledge base in the top right corner.

You're all set to add and edit the knowledge base pages. Configure the navigation menu, add blocks with different items (text, image, video), and edit them.

Learn how to fill your knowledge base

Also, you can create or select a company knowledge base right from a workgroup or project. Click the three dots button in the top right corner and select Extensions.

Find all the company knowledge bases under Company > Knowledge base section. They are available to all employees, whereas workgroup (project) knowledge bases are limited to members only.

For quick access to the workgroup (project) knowledge base, move it to the top menu.

Any member of the workgroup/project can edit its knowledge base. You can configure access permissions to the company knowledge bases only.
Learn how to configure access permissions to company knowledge base
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