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Workflows: new interface and features

Workflows automate everyday tasks. They make it easier to approve documents in the company, communicate with customers, and control sales. For example, you can configure automatic invoice approval, send notifications to customers about the status of their orders, or automatically create tasks for employees.

In the release, we've updated the main page of workflows.

Go to the Automation page - Workflows.

Fields for controlling workflows

The list contains key information about workflows: date of last activity, employees who approve the process, status and execution time.

Activity. The date and the time of the last change in the workflow. There are two kinds of counters in the Activity field:

  • red - to execute the task,
  • green - to read the comment in the workflow form.

For example, an employee has started the Invoice for payment workflow and left a comment. The responsible person will see both counters: red and green.

Participants. The column shows the workflow participants and the total time they spent.

The execution time of each step is rounded according to mathematical rules. The duration can specify only one unit of time: a second, a minute, an hour, a day, or a month. Let's consider the examples:

  • The process lasted 11 minutes and 15 seconds - the column will show 11 minutes.
  • The process lasted 57 seconds - this is one unit of time, so the column will show 57 seconds.

Status. The column contains the buttons to execute the process. If the workflow has already been denied, postponed or completed, its status will be shown.

Time. The total time of the workflow and a workflow log.

Only one unit of time can be specified in the column: a second, a minute, an hour, a day or a month. The time is rounded upwards only. For example, the process lasted one hour and one minute - the column will show two hours.

The workflow log records all activities, participants and the efficiency. There are several efficiency estimates:

  • No statistics - the average workflow execution time is unknown because no similar workflows has been completed.

  • Excellent - less average time was spent than workflows of this type usually take.

  • Needs attention - the execution time is the same as the average or three days longer.

  • Too slow - the execution time is four days longer than average.

The accuracy of the average time increases with the number of completed workflows. The completion time of each workflow is automatically calculated and displayed as a company-wide average.

Workflow execution time optimization

The execution time in the workflow log is counted from the start of the workflow to its completion. It is rounded down.

The process execution time in the workflow log may differ from the total time in the list of workflows.

How to select an assignment in a workflow

Assignments are actions to be performed within a workflow. There can be several tasks in one workflow.

Workflows with several assignments will have red counters equal to the number of actions.

Open the Workflow log page, select an assignment and click Complete.

A workflow approval window will appear. After that you can proceed to the next assignment.

In brief:

  • Workflows automate everyday tasks. They make it easier to approve documents in the company, communicate with customers, and control sales.

  • The list contains key information about workflows: date of last activity, employees who approve the process, status and execution time.

  • The average execution time of each workflow is calculated automatically and displayed as a company-wide average.

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