
FAQ: Mail in CRM

You can communicate with clients by mail from the CRM form. The history of correspondence is saved in the client form and you can quickly find the necessary email. This article contains answers to frequently asked questions about mail in CRM.

You will learn:

Why emails are not automatically saved in CRM

If emails are not automatically saved in CRM, but the employee can do it manually, check the mailbox settings.

  1. Go to the Webmail section - Settings - Mailbox Settings.
  2. Select Configure folders for synchronization.
  3. Check what is specified in the Move spam to folder field. If Inbox is selected, all incoming emails will not be automatically saved to CRM.
  4. Select a different folder for spam. After that, incoming emails will be saved in CRM.

Who can create leads and deals from emails

If the CRM integration option is enabled in the mailbox settings, leads or deals are created automatically.

If integration is disabled, an employee with access to the mailbox can manually save an email to CRM.

Whether it is possible to link an email to another deal

In order to link an email to another deal, an employee should be given access permissions to modify these deals. CRM access permissions can be configured by Bitrix24 administrator and an employee with the access permissions to change CRM settings.

Access Permissions in CRM

  1. Open the deal to which the email is bound: click Open in the timeline next to the email.
  2. Click More - Change deal.

If there is no Change Deal button, you will not be able to bind the email to another deal. This happens after converting a lead to a deal - the email is bound not only to the deal, but also to the lead.

Who can be responsible for an email in a CRM form

The person responsible for an email in a CRM form is the employee responsible for the form itself. All tasks and tasks related to the email are automatically assigned to this person.

When an email is saved to a CRM form, a system entry for the new email appears in the timeline in addition to the scheduled task. The avatar of the employee who connected the mailbox is displayed next to this entry. This employee can change the settings of mail integration with CRM.

Why an email has different time in mail and CRM

Different time can be specified:

  • when the email is actually received
  • when the email is entered into CRM
  • when an activity from the email was created in the CRM form
The date and time of the email is taken from its technical header.

View email headers (RFC headers)

When the email is received. Go to the Webmail section and open the desired email. The actual time the email was received is shown in the upper right corner.

When the email got into CRM. This time can be viewed in the form timeline.

When an activity is created from an email. Scheduled activity has the time when the email got to CRM. If the activity is completed - the time of its completion.

Why an employee does not see an email in the CRM form

Only employees with access permissions can view the items to which the email is linked. For example, if an email is linked to a deal and a contact, but the employee does not have access permissions to the contact, he/she will not see the email in the deal form.

Access permissions can be configured by Bitrix24 administrators and employees with the permissions to to change CRM settings.

Access Permissions in CRM

How the "Route emails from existing clients to assigned CRM managers" option works

If an email comes from a client in the CRM, you can attach it to an existing form. Use the option Route emails from existing clients to assigned CRM managers.

If a responsible employee for the client is specified in the lead and contact distribution queue, a new email from this client will be added to the existing CRM item form.

If no responsible employee is specified in the distribution queue, each email from this client creates a new lead. This lead will be assigned to one of the responsible employees in the queue. Several CRM item forms for one client with different responsible employees will appear in the CRM.

Why an email is not saved in CRM

Error. When attempting to manually save an email in CRM, an error occurs.

Reason. Incoming or outgoing emails from your Bitrix24 account users cannot be saved in CRM. You can only link emails from clients to CRM.

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