Here is a quick recap of the most important updates from the past month.
Martha AI
Martha AI is a friendly virtual assistant that enhances your Bitrix24 experience by providing quick and clear answers in support chats.
Here is how Martha AI functions:
- Automatically joins all new support chats
- Quickly responds to inquiries about Bitrix24
- Transfers the conversation to a support specialist if it can't provide an answer
Martha AI assistant in support chats
Updated articles
Work with tasks in CRM
CRM History
BI Builder
FAQ: BI analytics and BI BuilderBI Builder: Datasets
Automation rules in CRM
Triggers in CRM
FAQ: Calendars
Synchronize Bitrix24 calendar with iPhone
Other updates
Connect Bitrix24 Drive as a network drive in WindowsSupport for Bitrix24 Market apps
FAQ: Webmail
FAQ: Workgroups and projects
FAQ: Marketing