
Transfer data between accounts

Transfer data between different Bitrix24 accounts. This may be helpful if you decide to migrate the client base and settings to another account.

Export and import data

To transfer data, you need to export it from your old account and then upload to another. The file format may differ. In some cases, the files need to be converted.

How to convert a file from XLS to CSV

  • Open your Excel file, click File, select Save as, and then select CSV.

  • Change the file format using the online document converter.

Learn how to save an Excel file in a different format

Transfer CRM data

CRM stores the customer base, reports, system and user settings. CRM entities, products, reports and settings can be transferred to the new Bitrix24.

CRM entities

You can transfer leads, deals, contacts, and companies. Import and export a CSV file with CRM entities.

How to export data
  1. Go to CRM and select the needed tab.
  2. Switch to the List view (in leads or deals).
  3. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Export to CSV.
How to import data
  1. Go to CRM and select the needed tab.
  2. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Import.

See these topics to learn more:


Transfer your product catalog to another account. Note that the data is exported as a XLS file. You need to convert it to CSV for the further import.

How to export data
  1. Go to CRM > Inventory > Product catalog.
  2. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Excel.
How to import data
  1. Go to CRM > Inventory > Product catalog.
  2. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Import products.
Learn more about product import

CRM Reports

Transfer reports in CRM to another account. Import and export them as a CSV file.

How to export data
  1. Go to CRM > Analytics > Reports.
  2. Under the actions menu, select Export.
How to import data
  1. Go to CRM > Analytics > Reports.
  2. Click the Import button and upload your file.

CRM Settings

You can transfer custom fields, stages, pipelines, CRM entity form settings, automation rules, business processes, and applications. The data is exported and imported as a folder with JSON files.

Note that leads and deals are deleted from your CRM after importing CRM settings. Export them before you start the solution preset import.
How to export data
  1. Go to CRM.
  2. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Solution presets.
  3. Then click Export and download a file.
How to import data
  1. Go to CRM.
  2. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Solution presets.
  3. Then click Import and upload your file.

Learn more about transferring CRM settings

Transfer tasks

You can transfer tasks to another account. Note that the export includes only a set of fields from the task. Task comments are not transferred.


The data is exported in XLS. You need to convert a file to CSV to import it.

How to export data
  1. Go to Tasks and Projects > Tasks.
  2. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Export list.
How to import data
  1. Go to Tasks and Projects > Tasks.
  2. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Import list.

See these topics to learn more:

Task reports

You can transfer task reports to another account. Only CSV is supported for both export and import.

How to export data
  1. Go to Tasks and Projects > Reports.
  2. Under the actions menu, select Export.
How to import data
  1. Go to Tasks and Projects > Reports.
  2. Click the Import button and upload your file.

Transfer knowledge bases, sites and online stores

You can transfer knowledge bases, sites and online stores. The data is exported and imported as a folder with JSON files.

How to export data
  1. Go to Sites and stores or Knowledge bases.
  2. Under the actions menu, select Export.
How to import data
  1. Go to Sites and stores or Knowledge bases.
  2. Click on the gear (⚙️) and select Import.

See these topics to learn more:

Transfer workflows

You can transfer business process templates. The data is exported and imported in BPT format.

How to export data
  1. Navigate to the Automation section.
  2. Under the Workflows tab, select Workflows in Feed or Workflows in CRM or Workflows on Company drive.
  3. Open the needed business process template in edit mode.
  4. Click the Export button.
How to import data
  1. Navigate to the Automation section.
  2. Under the Workflows tab, select Workflows in Feed or Workflows in CRM or Workflows on Company drive.
  3. Open the needed business process template in edit mode.
  4. Click the Import button.

In Brief

  • You can transfer data between different Bitrix24 accounts.

  • Use this tool to migrate the client base and settings to another account.

  • Transfer CRM data and settings, tasks and reports, sites, online stores and knowledge bases, as well as business process templates.

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