
Configure access permissions to personal drive

You can share files from your personal drive with your colleagues. Configure access permissions for each user individually or for a whole department. You can enable extended permission control for individual files and folders.

Configure access permissions

Go to the Bitrix24 Drive sectin - My drive tab. Click the settings button and select Assign permissions.

By default, you and an account administrator have full access to your personal drive.

If you edit access permissions for Drive while on the Trial or Professional plan, your employees may lose access to files once you switch to the Basic or Standard plan. These plans don't offer the option to recover access by managing permissions or resetting to default settings.

To select the category of users click + Add more.

There are the following categories of users:

  • Users — select any employee of your Bitrix24. Enter the user login, first or last name.

  • Departments — grant drive access to colleagues in departments or sub-departments. Select them from the company structure or add individual users.

  • Social network groups — share the drive content with groups, their owners or moderators.

  • Other — configure access permissions for external users or all authorized users of your Bitrix24.
    Extranet users in Bitrix24

If you want to keep your personal drive private but still share a file or a folder, configure public access.

Tap a file or a folder. Select the Share with other users option in the menu.

To select employees and configure access permissions for them, click +Add more. Then save your changes. The file or the folder will appear on the selected employees' drive.

Access permission types

You can configure different levels of access permissions to the personal drive.

  • Read — the user can view the drive content.

  • Add — the user can view and add files to the drive.

  • Edit — all actions are available except changing drive settings and access permissions.

  • Share — you can share files.

  • Full access — all possible actions are available.

Users with full access will be able to download files from your personal drive.

Extended permission control

You can give access to individual files and folders using extended permission control. Enable this option and save your changes.

Check if this option is available on your Bitrix24 plan.

Select the file and click Access permissions in the menu.

Select the category of users and configure access permissions for them.

    In brief:

  • There are the following categories of users: users, departments, social network groups, and other.

  • Employees with given access permissions can download files from your personal drive.

  • Configure different access permissions for files and folders, for users and user groups. You can do this by using extended permission control.

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