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Contact Center: Instagram Direct

Connect your company's Instagram Direct to the Bitrix24 Open Channel to manage customer interactions efficiently.

Reply to Instagram Direct messages from Bitrix24 and respond to comments on Instagram posts via Direct messages. All communication history is saved to CRM.

Also, you can receive payment in Direct messages. Generate a CRM Payment link and send it to the customer. They can immediately pay online in the most convenient way or choose to pay in cash to the courier.
Accept payment in Open Channel chat

All Instagram Direct channel connections happen via your Instagram business account and Facebook public page.
Learn how to convert an Instagram account into a business one

Connect Instagram Direct channel to Bitrix24

You must be logged in as the administrator of a Facebook public page.

Go to CRM > Customers > Contact Center > Instagram Direct.

Select an open channel, add users to the queue, and click Connect.

Then click Log in and follow the steps in the pop-up window.

Choose the Facebook page linked to your Instagram business account.

Select the Instagram business account connected to your Facebook page.

Select the Facebook page that Bitrix24 Connector can access.

Choose the Instagram account connected to your Facebook page.

Give all permissions to the Bitrix24 connector and click Save.

Click Got it to finish the process.

Optionally, enable:

to reply to post comments via Direct messages.
Instagram comments in Direct

for more time to communicate with customers.
Extend messaging window from 24 hours to 7 days

Then click Connect.

Your Instagram Direct is now linked to Bitrix24.

How it works

When a customer comments on an Instagram post, the agent's response is sent as a direct message.

The agent has all the communication in the Bitrix24 Messenger.

If a customer sends a message to Instagram Direct, the conversation happens in Direct. All communication history is saved to CRM.

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Instagram Direct: No permission to access private messages Convert Instagram to a business account Connect Instagram Business account Instagram comments in Direct