
Prompt library: Create prompt templates for CoPilot

Introducing the promptA prompt is a query you give to the AI to get a specific response. The more detailed the prompt, the better the results. library in Bitrix24, a convenient place to save your CoPilot prompts and share them with colleagues.

Create prompt templates for various needs, like job descriptions, event plans, or commercial ideas. Simply select the required prompt from the library to save time on writing queries.

You can use the prompt library in all tools where CoPilot is available, except for chat:

  • Feed
  • Tasks
  • Sites
  • Webmail
  • Calendar
  • CRM item form (emails, activities, and comments)

Each employee can view their own prompts and those shared by colleagues.

Add a prompt to the library

1. Open the prompt library. Go to any section where CoPilot is available, click CoPilot > Prompt library > Add.

2. Select the prompt type.

  • Simple: A ready-made query that CoPilot will execute exactly as it is.
    Example: Create a text for a flower shop landing page. The text volume is 4,000 characters, keywords are flowers, flower delivery, bouquets to order.

  • Extended: After selecting the prompt, you need to complete the text with your own data. Once done, CoPilot will execute the query.
    Example: Create a text for a [insert your text] landing page. The text volume is [specify the number] characters, keywords are [insert your text].

3. Enter the prompt text, with a maximum length of 2,500 characters.

Simple prompt. Enter your text in the field. The more detailed the prompt, the better the results.

Extended prompt. To add a placeholder to the prompt, place the cursor in the desired spot or highlight a word and click Make placeholder. You can edit the default text in square brackets, such as changing [insert your text] to [specify the number].

Once the text is ready, click Next.

4. Set up the prompt.

  • Name and icon: Displayed in the list of user prompts.

  • Make available to: Select employees or departments who can access and use the prompt. By default, it's only available to the creator.

  • Make available in: Select Bitrix24 tools where the prompt can be used, like Tasks or Feed.

After entering all the information, click Save.

Select a prompt from the library

Click the CoPilot button in the chosen Bitrix24 tool. In the User prompts section, you'll find your prompts or those shared with you. Select the prompt you need from the list.

If you pick an extended prompt, fill in the placeholders with your text and let CoPilot generate the content.

Set up the prompt library

By default, employees can see all active prompts in the library, including shared ones. However, they can customize the list to keep only the prompts they need.

Add to Favorites. Mark frequently used prompts as favorites to keep them at the top of the list. To do this, click the bookmark icon.

Don't show in CoPilot menu. If you no longer use a prompt, disable the Show in CoPilot menu option. It will disappear from your list, but others can still access it.

Deactivate. If you and your colleagues no longer need a prompt, turn off the Active option. This hides the prompt for everyone, but you can reactivate it anytime. Deactivated prompts can be found using a filter.

Edit a prompt in the library

Go to any section where CoPilot is available, click CoPilot, and select Prompt library. Choose a prompt, click the Menu (≡), and select Edit.

Any employee with access to the prompt can edit it, and all changes will be visible to everyone with access to this tool.

In brief

Introducing the prompt library in Bitrix24, a convenient place to save your CoPilot prompts and share them with colleagues. Simply select the required prompt from the library to save time on writing queries.

You can use the prompt library in all tools where CoPilot is available, except for chat.

To add a new prompt:

  1. Go to any section where CoPilot is available, click CoPilot > Prompt library > Add.

  2. Select the prompt type: simple or extended.

  3. Enter the prompt text and name, specify who can use it, and select which Bitrix24 tools will include it.

Any employee with access to the prompt can edit it, and all changes will be visible to everyone with access to this tool.

By default, employees can see all active prompts in the library, including shared ones. However, they can customize the list to keep only the prompts they need.

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