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Add a Newsfeed block to your website

You can create a site in Bitrix24 using a variety of blocks. Add a Newsfeed block to your website to automatically post news from your workgroup.

Check if this option is available on your plan. You can find all the information about Bitrix24 plans on the pricing page.

How it works

Click the Add block button and select the most suitable block in the Newsfeed section.

Click the edit button and enable the Dynamic option.

Click Select Source and select the desired group. All posts from the group feed will go into the block.

In the Detail page section, select a template for news pages.

You can choose either a template for one of the website pages or a standard solution specifically for detailed news pages.

To display the news correctly, be sure to publish the News details page.

Select the image and the text that will be used as a title and description.

Specify the text and action for the button with a link.

If you want the news page to be opened in a new window when you click on the website element, activate the Enable link to detailed page option.

Save changes and publish the website. Posts from the workgroup will appear on the website.

Add a new post to the block

Go to the workgroup or create a new one from which entries will be posted on the website.

The workgroup type must be equal to Bitrix24.Sites source. Read more information in the article - Workgroups and projects.

Add a new post. Specify a topic and a description. To add a topic, click the icon in the lower right corner.

To display the added image on the site, be sure to insert it into the text.

Click Send, and the post will appear on the website.

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