
Sales automation page in CRM

Every day, you and your team manage tasks like sending emails to customers and overseeing team activities. Automation rules and triggers can help you streamline these actions, giving you more time to focus on other important tasks.

You don't need to be an IT expert or have prior automation experience to get started. Each automation rule includes a clear description of its functions, making it easy to select the right one for your needs. They are also organized by the tasks they solve.

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The Sales automation slider is the main page for working with automation elements. Here, you can add or remove automation rules, set variables and constants, and start the test mode.

To access it, go to CRM, select the desired item, and click the robot icon.

In the Automation rules section, you can set up automation rules and triggers for each stage.

Automation rules can optimize your team's work. For example, if you send similar documents to clients daily, set up automation rules to handle this, so managers have more time for other responsibilities.
Automation rules in CRM

Triggers help track customer or employee actions and move deals to the appropriate stage. For example, to track incoming customer emails, use a trigger to ensure no messages are missed.
Triggers in CRM

In the Variables and Constants tabs, you can store information of all basic types for use in automation rules.
Variables and constants in automation rules

To add an automation rule or trigger, select the pipeline to configure them and click the Create button. Alternatively, click Plus (+) under the stage name.
Sales pipelines

When selecting automation rules and triggers, you'll see them in one list, divided into groups. To find the desired rules faster, use the search and filter.
Automation rules and triggers

Also, use the search bar to find the added rules or triggers on the Sales automation page.

Under each stage, there are these options: Edit in Workflow Designer and Group actions.
Workflow designer
Copy and move automation rules

The Test logs tab is where you can start test mode for automation rules and check results.
Automation rule test mode: Test using demo deal

You can also click the Test mode button to start it.
Automation rule test mode

The Extensions button in the top right corner lets you create or select a knowledge base and access Bitrix24 Market.
Knowledge base

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