
Sales automation page in CRM

Every day you and your employees perform the same actions: send emails to the customers, supervise the team work, and so on. You can automate all these activities with automation rules and triggers and you will have more time for other tasks.

You do not have to be an IT expert or have work experience with automation rules to set up automation. Each automation rule has a description of its functions to make it easier for you to choose the right one for your work script. They are also divided into groups according to their purpose.

Check if this option is available on your plan. Read information about Bitrix24 plans on the pricing page.

The Sales Automation slider is the main page for working with automation elements. Here you can add or remove automation rules, specify variables and constants, and start the automation rules test mode.

In the Automation rules section, you can configure automation rules and triggers for each stage.

Read more information in the article: Automation rules.

Triggers will help you to track the actions of customers or employees and move the deal to the stage where the trigger is. Let's say you need to track incoming emails from customers. Use a trigger, and you won't miss any messages from your customers.

Read more information in the article: Triggers in CRM.

In the Variables and Constants tabs, you can store information of all basic types and use it in automation rules.

Read more information in the article: Variables and constants in automation rules.

To create an automation rule or a trigger, click Create. In the next menu button, you can select the pipeline which you will configure the automation rules for. You can configure automation rules and triggers for each deal pipeline.

Read more information in the article: Multiple pipelines.

There is a + sign in each stage. Click it to create a trigger or an automation rule.

Read more information in the article: Automation rules.

We also changed the interface for selecting automation rules and triggers. Now they are in one list, which is divided into groups. Some automation rules have new names and description to better reflect the action. To find the desired automation rules faster, use the search or the filter.

Read more information in the article: New interface for adding automation rules and triggers.

Use the search bar to find the desired automation rule or trigger.

Under each stage, there are the following options: Edit in Workflow Designer and Copy or move automation rules.

Read more information in the articles:

The last tab in the menu is Test logs. You can start the automation rule test mode and check the results.

Read more information in the article: How to start test mode.

You can also click the Test mode button to start it.

Read more information in the article: What is automation rule test mode.

There is the Extensions button in the upper right corner. Here you can create or select a Knowledge Base and open Bitrix24.Market.

Read more information in the article: Knowledge base.
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