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Automation rule: Add to exceptions

The Add to exceptions automation rule helps to automate the work with spam and clean up the client base. It adds all contact information to the exception list and spammers will no longer distract you.

This way you can also handle correspondence that should not get into the CRM. For example, you are using your work email to correspond with a company that makes printing products for you. This company is not a client, so you don't need to keep this contact in CRM. If you add the mail of the employee you are communicating with to the exception list, you will still receive emails, but they will no longer appear in the CRM.

The automation rule is located in the For employee section. You can set the time and conditions under which it will work in the settings.

Read more in the article Conditions in automation rules.

Let's say you have a separate stage in Kanban to which you move spam messages. If you put an Add to exceptions automation rule on this stage, it will add contact information from leads or deals form to the list of exceptions and remove the item.

Deleting information from CRM is not always the right thing to do, because it can distort statistics. Remove the elements that you definitely don't need.

Let's consider how the script works. First, we place the automation rule on the stage where we move spam.

Let's take a deal/lead in which the client entered the wrong contact information. We don't need this deal, because we can't get in touch with the client anyway. Let's move this deal to the Spam stage.

After that, go to the list of exceptions. The contact information from the deal/lead will appear in it.

Read more in the article Exceptions.

It is recorded in the History that the deal and the deal contact were deleted.

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