
Create and send an estimate

An estimate is a CRM item that can be used to create documents for clients with product or service price. Working with an estimate form in CRM helps you to track all stages of work with a client: from the first request to the final stage of the deal.

Create ready-made documents according to templates, transfer data from other CRM items into them to save time when creating an estimate.

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You will learn how to:

Create an estimate

Web version
Mobile app

From the Estimates section. You can view the list of all estimates in the CRM section - Sales - Estimates. There are three modes:

  • Kanban
  • List
  • Deadlines

Deadlines view for estimates and invoices

To add a new estimate, click the Create button. Fill in the required fields, add the customer and products and save the information.

Based on the deal. Click the estimate button in the deal form. All related products, contacts and companies will be automatically transferred to the form. The full history of work with the client, including previously created eastimates, will be saved in the deal.

In the CRM item form. There is an Estimates tab in the CRM item form. There you can add new estimates and edit them. Click (+) Estimate button to transfer the information from the form.

1. Go to the CRM section - Estimates.
2. Click on the plus button.
3. Select estimate.

Fill in the fields, add items and click Create.

Use an estimate form

The left part of the from contains the fields with information about the estimate and the client. The right part shows a timeline where the history of communication with clients, created documents, comments of employees and other things are stored.

My activities in CRM

The form has several tabs that contain additional information about products, connections with other CRM elements and history of work with the form.

CRM item form features and settings

Top panel actions:

  • Contact the customer - send a text message, open channel message or make a call.
  • Open the Settings(⚙️) - here you can copy or delete an estimate.
  • Create a new deal or an invoice.

Create an estimate and send it to the client

Create a document using a template to send it to the client.

Web version
Mobile app

Create a document. To open the list of templates or create a new one, click on the Document. The document generated by the template can be printed, downloaded or sent to the client.

Customize document templates in CRM

Sent document. A ready file can be sent to the client:

  • by SMS
  • by e-mail
  • via open channel

To get a public link to the document, click on the Copy link. Any user can open the document using it.

Click on the Actions button to print, download, or send an estimate form to the client by email.

Payment systems

To generate an estimate document using a template, click on dots - Documents - Create Document and select the desired template.

Click on dots to:

  • generate a QR code for payment
  • add a stamp and a signature to the document
  • open a form with your company's details
  • open a client form

To open a QR code, download, print or edit a document, use the buttons on the bottom panel.

To send the document to the client, open a ready-made file.
Create and send document to customer

Automatically create and send an estimate to the customer

Use automation rules and triggers to create a document, send it to the client by e-mail, schedule a call, and so on.
Automation rules in CRM
Triggers in CRM

1. Go to the CRM section - Sales - Estimates.
2. Select Automation rules.
3. Click Create.
Add automation rules and triggers

Let's configure two automation rules at the "Send to client" stage.

  • Create document — the automation rule will generate an estimate for the client and substitute the information from the estimate form: products, amount, details, etc. Select a template for the automation rule to create an estimate and specify the your company details.

  • Send email to customer — the document generated by the previous automation rule will be sent by this automation rule. To have the automation rule send an email when the previous automation rule creates an estimate, select the "Wait" option. Specify the subject and text of the email. Attach an estimate created by the previous automation rule.

In brief:

  • An estimate is a CRM item that can be used to create documents for clients with product or service price. Working with an estimate form in CRM helps you to track all stages of work with a client: from the first request to the final stage of the deal.

  • You can create an estimate on the basis of a deal, in the form of another CRM item, or in the Estimates section.

  • Use templates to generate documents based on estimates. A document created by a template can be downloaded, printed or sent to a client.

  • Use automation rules and triggers to make work with estimates easier.

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