
Automation rules: Customer communication

Automation rules for client communication help to automate work. They know how to call, send SMS, emails and messages via open channels.

Automation rules in CRM

To configure automation rules, go to the CRM section, select CRM entity type and click Automation.

The automation rules are categorized into groups depending on the tasks they perform. We will tell you about the Customer Communication automation group.

Send email to customer

When a CRM entity reaches a certain stage, the automation rule sends an email to the customer, for example, with an estimate, an invoice or an order tracking number.

Configure "Send email to customer" automation rule

Let's create an automation rule in the deal at the "Delivery" stage to send a tracking number to the customer.

From. Specify the address from which the automation rule will send an email. If you enable Auto select option, the automation rule will send an email from the responsible employee address. If the responsible person has several addresses, an email will be sent from the first one in the list.

The automation rule will not work if the responsible employee does not have a mailbox connected.
Manage emails in Bitrix24

Subject and text. You can insert values from CRM form fields into the text. For example, add the customer's name and the order number.

Client address type. Select work, home, newsletters email or auto select. The type of address is specified in the email field in the client form.

If the selected address type is not filled in the client form, the automation rule will not send the email. For example, you have selected a work address, but the there is only newsletters address in the form.

Use address. If the client has several addresses, the automation rule will send the email to the first or the last added address. Select a value from the list.

If you select work address, the automation rule will select the first or the last address of that type. If you enable the auto select option, the automation rule will select the first or the last address from the client form, regardless of its type.

If there are several contacts in the CRM form, the automation rule will send an email to the first contact in the list.
If there is a contact and a company in the form, the automation rule will send an email to the contact.

Attachments. You can attach files to your email, for example, company details or a product catalog.

  • Element files — you can attach files from CRM form custom fields.
  • Drive — you can upload files from Bitrix24 Drive or from your computer.

Enable click tracking. You can get to know that a customer has clicked on a link from an email.
Track link clicks in outgoing emails

When the deal moves to the "Delivery" stage, the automation rule will sent the email. The customer's name, the order number and the delivery track number will be automatically inserted into the text.

Make a call

This automation rule calls the customer and speaks a pre-prepared text or plays an audio recording. For example, it can talk about promotions or thank the customer for the purchase.

Bitrix24 Telephony must be connected for the automation rule to call the customer.
Telephony connection options overview

Configure "Make a call" automation rule

Outgoing call number. Select the number from which the call will be made.

Input data for the call. Select what the customer will hear: text voiced by the automation rule or an audio recording.

Next, the settings depend on you choice:

  1. Text. Write the text that the customer will hear during the call. You can insert CRM form field values: customer name, order number, delivery date. Select voice, volume and speed of pronunciation.
  2. The Text to speech option is paid. Payment is charged off from the your Bitrix24 Telephony account.
    Convert Text to Speech in Bitrix24
  3. Audio recording. Provide a direct public link to the file in mp3 format.

Send message to the chat

The automation rule sends a message to the customer in a messenger or a social network.

Connect Open Channels

The automation rule sends a message to the last created chat with the customer.

Configure "Send message to the chat" automation rule

You can create an automation rule at the "Successful deal" stage. The automation rule will send a message asking the client to fill in the feedback form.

Text. You can add field values from the CRM form: customer name, deal amount, delivery date.

Hidden Message. The client will not see this message. It is available only to employees who are in the chat room. You can discuss order details, discount conditions, options for responding to a customer complaint.

Attachments. Attach files to your message, for example, an invoice or a discount coupon.

  • Element files — you can attach files from CRM form custom fields.
  • Drive — you can upload files from Bitrix24 Drive or from your computer.

Send SMS to customer

The automation rule sends SMS to customers, for example, with an order confirmation or a delivery tracking number.

Configure "Send message to the chat" automation rule

Let's create an automation rule at the "Delivery" stage to text the customer with the delivery tracking number.

Message text. You can add field values from the CRM form: customer name, deal amount, delivery track number.

The maximum text length is 200 characters.

Client phone number type. Select the phone number to send SMS to. The type is specified in the "Phone" field in the client form.

If you enable Auto select, then the automationn rule will send an SMS to the first number from the client form, regardless of its type.

If the selected number type is not filled in the client form, the automation rule will not send the message. For example, you have selected a work phone number, but there is only a mobile phone number in the form.

Provider. Select a provider for sending SMS. If you do not already have an SMS provider connected, first set it up and then select it in the automation rule.

Using SMS in Bitrix24

If there are several contacts in the CRM form, the automation rule will send SMS to the first contact in the list.
If there is a contact and a company in the form, the automation rule will send an SMS to the contact.

Send WhatsApp message

When a CRM entity reaches a certain stage, an automation rule can send a WhatsApp message to the client. For example, you can inform your client when the registration process starts.

Connect the WhatsApp channel in the Contact Center first.
Contact Center: WhatsApp

Configure "Send WhatsApp message" automation rule

Let's create an automation rule at the "Create papers" stage of deals to inform clients about the registration process.

Select a message template.
Add message templates in your Edna account
Send WhatsApp messages from CRM

If there are multiple contacts in the deal form, the message will be sent to the first contact in the list. If there is both a contact and a company in the deal, the message will be sent to the contact.

Check how the automation rule works. When the deal moves to the "Create papers" stage, the rule will send a message.

Invite customer to messenger

The automation rule sends an SMS to a client with an invitation to a Telegram chat. When the client follows the link from the SMS and texts a message in a messenger, a chat is created. It is convenient to discuss details, send photos of the products, and answer the customer's questions at the stage of coordinating the order in the chat.

Invite a customer to Telegram chat

In order for the automation rule to invite the client to the chat, you must first connect the Telegram channel to Bitrix24.
Connect Telegram bot

Configure "Invite customer to messenger" automation rule

Let's create an automation rule at the "Discussing an order in chat" stage. If it is convenient for the client to communicate in Telegram, the user can move the deal to this stage during the call.

A record about texting will appear in the CRM form timeline. When a client texts a message in the Telegram, a chat will be created. You can open it directly from the deal form.

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