
Leads overview

In Bitrix24, leads represent potential customers. They can come from website inquiries, inbound calls, social media interactions, and more. Save their information in CRM as leads to keep track of them. This way, you won't lose any customer details and can work on converting them into real customers.

Leads are especially useful for companies with many inquiries. Different employees or departments can handle them. For example, a call center might first contact potential customers and then pass interested ones to the sales department.

In this article:

Check if leads are available on your plan.
Bitrix24 pricing page

Lead types

New and repeat leads. A new lead is the first contact from a potential client. A repeat lead comes from a customer who is already in CRM. For example, someone checked the product availability and reached out again a month later.
Repeat leads

New lead New lead form
Repeat lead Repeat lead form with completed Client field

Qualified and unqualified leads. A qualified lead is a customer interested in a product, allowing you to create a deal to complete the sale.
Deals overview

Unqualified leads are customers who do not plan to buy anything. For example, they contacted you by mistake or provided incorrect information.
How to complete a lead

How to enable leads in CRM

Bitrix24 CRM offers two modes: Classic CRM (with leads) and Simple CRM (without leads). By default, Simple CRM is enabled.
CRM modes

To use leads in CRM, switch to Classic CRM mode.

  1. Go to Deals.
  2. Click Settings (⚙️).
  3. Select CRM modes.
  4. Select the Classic CRM mode.
  5. Save the changes. Once done, the Leads section will appear in CRM.

How to create leads

In CRM, leads can be created manually or automatically.

Create leads manually. This is useful if you already have customer contact details, like when a client visits your office or you collect contacts at an event.

  1. Go to CRM.
  2. Open Leads.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Enter the customer's information in the form.
  5. Save the lead.

Create a lead

Import leads. If you have a client database file, you can upload it to Bitrix24.

  1. Go to the Leads section.
  2. Click Settings (⚙️).
  3. Select Import.

Import to Bitrix24 CRM

Migrate leads from another CRM. If you've used another CRM, transfer your data to Bitrix24 using special apps.

  1. Expand the Applications section.
  2. Go to Market.
  3. Click Catalog.
  4. Select the Import and export category.
  5. Click Migration to Bitrix24.
  6. Choose and install a data migration app, like the Zoho migration app, and follow the instructions.

Migration to Bitrix24 from other CRM systems

Get leads via Contact center. Connect various communication channels in Bitrix24 to receive leads, such as messengers, social networks, email, and telephony.
Contact center

  1. Go to CRM.
  2. Expand Customers.
  3. Select Contact center.
  4. Choose a communication channel to connect, like Instagram Direct.
  5. Click Connect. When a client messages you on Instagram, a lead is created in Bitrix24, and the communication history is saved in the client form.

Get leads using CRM forms. Leads can be automatically created via a CRM form on your website. When a customer fills out a form to order a product or sign up for a service, their information is saved as a lead.
CRM forms

  1. Go to CRM.
  2. Expand Add-ons.
  3. Select CRM Forms.
  4. Create a new form or select one from the list.

How to set up the Leads section

Before getting started, the CRM or Bitrix24 administrator should configure the following:

  • Access permissions
  • Lead form
  • Lead stages

Set access permissions. Ensure employees only access the leads they need. For example, regular employees can work with their own leads, while supervisors can view all department leads.

Go to More > Settings (⚙️) > Access permissions > CRM.
Access Permissions in CRM

Customize the lead form. Add or hide fields and group them into sections. For example, keep contact details in the Lead information section and order details in the Products section.
CRM item form features and settings

Configure lead stages. Use stages to track the progress of potential customers. This helps monitor the number of leads at each stage, assess agents' workloads, and identify leads requiring attention. Configure stages in kanban view or CRM Selection Lists.
Statuses and dropdowns in CRM

To rename, change the color, or delete a stage in kanban, click the pencil icon. To add a new stage, click the Plus (+) icon.

How to work with leads

When working with leads, you can choose different views, plan activities, and move leads through stages. Once you've contacted a client and determined their interest, you can complete the lead.

Select the view. CRM offers several views for managing leads:

  • Kanban: A board with columns and forms that helps guide the customer through the sales pipelines. Forms represent leads, and columns represent stages. This view makes it easy to create and move leads through stages.
    Kanban view in CRM

  • List: Displays leads in a table format, showing details like name, stage, creation date, and responsible person. You can filter and edit multiple leads at once.

  • Activities: In this view, the lead stage depends on the activity deadline set in the lead form. For example, if an activity is due next week, the lead will appear in the Next week column. This helps you manage your workload and plan your schedule.

  • Calendar: Resembles a standard calendar. This view is useful for resource booking or tracking the number of active leads over a specific period.
    Calendar view for leads

Plan an activity. To remind yourself to contact a client, schedule a call or meeting by clicking + Activity in the lead form. Fill in the description and click Save.
Universal activity in CRM

Change the stage. Move leads through stages as you interact with the client. For example, after contacting a client, move the lead from the In progress stage to the Meeting stage. This can be done in kanban view or directly in the lead form.

Complete the lead. Once you've determined your client's interest, complete the lead. You can do this at any stage, there is no need to go through all the steps.

Qualified lead. Create another CRM item based on the lead to continue working with the client. This is known as lead conversion in Bitrix24.
Convert a lead

You can create:

  • Deal
  • Contact
  • Company
  • Contact + Company
  • Deal + Contact
  • Deal + Company
  • Deal + Contact + Company
For repeat leads, only a deal can be created.

To convert a lead, click on the last stage and select the item to create.

Unqualified lead. If a client contacted you by mistake or provided incorrect information, move the lead to the Junk lead stage.

In brief

  • In Bitrix24, leads represent potential customers. They can come from website inquiries, inbound calls, social media interactions, and more.

  • There are different types of leads: new and repeat, qualified and unqualified.

  • A new lead is the first contact from a potential client. A repeat lead comes from a customer who is already in CRM. For example, someone checked the product availability and reached out again a month later.

  • A qualified lead is a customer interested in a product, allowing you to create a deal to complete the sale.

  • Unqualified leads are customers who do not plan to buy anything. For example, they contacted you by mistake or provided incorrect information.

  • Bitrix24 CRM offers two modes: Classic CRM (with leads) and Simple CRM (without leads). By default, Simple CRM is enabled. To use leads in CRM, switch to Classic CRM mode.

  • In CRM, leads can be created manually or automatically.

  • Before getting started, the CRM or Bitrix24 administrator should set up access permissions, the lead form, and stages.

  • When working with leads, you can choose different views, plan activities, and move leads through stages. Once you've contacted a client and determined their interest, you can complete the lead.

  • For qualified leads, create deals and contacts. For unqualified leads, move them to the Junk lead stage.

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