
Updates in articles: June 2023

We have updated some Bitrix24 tools and helpdesk articles. Learn more about all the changes below.

New rules for subscription purchase

From June 1, 2023, new rules for subscription purchases came into effect. Some limitations have been added to the subscription renewal, upgrade, and downgrade processes.

Updates in CRM

Schedule meetings with your business partners and customers using Open slots in CRM. Open a deal form and share a link to your open slots, so that your client could pick the date and time for a meeting.

Also, we have updated some articles in the CRM section:

Mobile app updates

Now you can edit the bottom menu in the Bitrix24 mobile app and choose the primary tool for your work in it.

Also, the following articles have been updated:

Updates in Tasks

You can find the updated information about working with tasks in these articles:

Other updates

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